首页> 外文期刊>Pesticide science >Dissipation of residues of MCPA and cyanazine in three forage grasses following post‐emergence application as a mixture in the establishment year

Dissipation of residues of MCPA and cyanazine in three forage grasses following post‐emergence application as a mixture in the establishment year




AbstractThe dissipation of MCPA and cyanazine in smooth bromebrass (Bromus inermis Leyss.), Russian wild ryegrass (Elymus junceus Ficsch.) and intermediate wheatgrass (Agropyron intermedium) (Host) Beauv.) grown at three sites in western Canada was monitored for an eight‐week period following post‐emergence application of the herbicides as a mixture at 0.56 + 0.28 kg ha −1. The grasses were in the two‐ to six‐leaf stage at the time of application. MCPA, as its methyl ester, was detected using electrolytic conductivity detection whereas N‐specific alkali‐ionization detection was used for cyanazine. Foliar MCPA residues decreased more rapidly than those of cyanazine. At 56 days after application, MCPA residues were non‐detectable in all three grass species at all sites. Corresponding residues of cyanazine were of the order of the limit of quantification (0.02 m
机译:摘要MCPA和氰嗪在光滑的凤梨黄(Bromus inermis Leyss.)、俄罗斯野生黑麦草(Elymus junceus Ficsch.)和中间小麦草(Agropyron intermedium)(寄主)Beauv.中耗散。在加拿大西部的三个地点种植的除草剂在出苗后以 0.56 + 0.28 kg ha -1 的混合物施用后进行了为期八周的监测。施用时,草处于两到六叶期。MCPA作为其甲酯,采用电解电导检测法检测,而氰嗪采用N特异性碱电离检测法检测。叶面MCPA残留量比氰嗪减少得更快。施用后56天,所有地点的3种禾本科植物均未检测到MCPA残留物。氰嗪的相应残基为定量限量级(0.02 m




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