首页> 外文期刊>Weed technology: A journal of the Weed Science Society of America >Ability of Potato Cultivars to Tolerate and Suppress Weeds

Ability of Potato Cultivars to Tolerate and Suppress Weeds


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Potato producers rely heavily oil herbicides for the majority of weed control. However, recent Occurrences of herbicid-resistant weed Populations and the lack of new herbicide registrations have stimulated interest in alternative strategies. The choice of potato cultivars that can Suppress or tolerate weed competition could be a component of an integrated weed management system to reduce reliance oil herbicides. The competitive ability of 10 potato cultivars-'Atlantic', 'Bannock Russet" 'Dark Red Norland', 'Goldrush', 'Rodeo', 'Russet Burbank', 'Russet Norkotah', 'Snowden', 'Superior', and Villetta Rose'-was evaluated in 2006 and 2007 in Hancock, WI. Weed competition treatments included (1) weed), throughout the season, (2) weed-free from emergence to 4 A after emergence (WAE) by hand-weeding, and (3) weed-free by hand-weeding for the entire season. Potato cultivars did nor differ in ability to reduce weed biomass. Early-season time 4 potato emergence and canopy Closure, as well as weed competition treatments, were strongly related to potato tuber yield. In general, Bannock Russet yield relative to weed-free controls of the same cultivar was less than that of most other cultivars. Overall, Atlantic, Russet Burbank, Snowden, and Superior yields (relative to weed-free control yields.) usually were greater chat) the yields of other cultivars under weedy conditions. Although the ability 10 Suppress weeds was similar among cultivars, differences in yield among cultivars grown in the presence of weeds Sit I suggest differential tolerances of weed competition.
机译:马铃薯生产者严重依赖油类除草剂来控制大部分杂草。然而,最近发生的抗除草剂杂草种群和缺乏新的除草剂注册激发了对替代策略的兴趣。选择能够抑制或耐受杂草竞争的马铃薯品种可以成为综合杂草管理系统的一个组成部分,以减少依赖油除草剂。2006 年和 2007 年在威斯康星州汉考克评估了 10 个马铃薯品种的竞争能力——'Atlantic'、'Bannock Russet'、'Dark Red Norland'、'Goldrush'、'Rodeo'、'Russet Burbank'、'Russet Norkotah'、'Snowden'、'Superior' 和 Villetta Rose”。杂草竞争处理包括 (1) 杂草),整个季节,(2) 通过人工除草从出苗到出苗后 4 A (WAE) 无杂草,以及 (3) 整个季节通过手工除草实现无杂草。马铃薯品种在减少杂草生物量的能力方面没有差异。早季4马铃薯出苗和冠层闭合以及杂草竞争处理与马铃薯块茎产量密切相关。一般来说,与同一品种的无杂草对照相比,Bannock Russet的产量低于大多数其他品种。总体而言,在杂草条件下,Atlantic、Russet Burbank、Snowden 和 Superior 产量(相对于无杂草对照产量)通常高于其他品种的产量。虽然 10 抑制杂草的能力在品种之间是相似的,但在杂草存在的情况下生长的品种之间的产量差异 Sit I 建议对杂草竞争的耐受性不同。




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