首页> 外文期刊>Pesticide science >The action of pyrethroids in the insect central nervous system. I. Features of molecular structure associated with toxicity to cockroaches and to their giant fibre axons

The action of pyrethroids in the insect central nervous system. I. Features of molecular structure associated with toxicity to cockroaches and to their giant fibre axons




AbstractTo investigate relationships between the molecular structure of pyrethroids and their mode of action, toxicities to adult male Periplaneta americana by topical application and injection were compared with toxicities to their giant fibre nerve axons. From the tests against intact insects it was concluded that: (i) although ED50S ranged from 0.04 to 65 μg/insect, each compound was equally toxic, with one exception, when administered by either route; (ii) esters of (1 R)‐cis‐ were more toxic than esters of the corresponding (1 R)‐trans‐3‐substituted‐2, 2‐dimethylcyclopropanecarboxylic acids; (iii) α‐cyano‐3‐phenoxybenzyl esters were more toxic than the corresponding 3‐phenoxybenzyl esters; (iv) changes in the alcoholic component of some compounds (particularly trans‐isomers of esters of 5‐benzyl‐3‐furylmethanol and esters of α‐cyano‐3‐phenoxybenzyl alcohol) affected a recovery phase in their ED50/time curves more than changes in the acid component; (v) the amount of recovery was positively correlated with molecular polarity. The concentration required to decrease the amplitude of the action potential of giant fibres by 30 in 1 h ranged from 0.26 μM for the most active compound to 100 μM for the least active. There was no clear relationship between neurotoxicity and toxicity to whole insects and little association between neurotoxicity and features of molecular structure. Neurotoxicity was, however, positively correlated with polarity. Giant fibre axons seem unlikely to be
机译:摘要为研究拟除虫菊酯分子结构与其作用方式的关系,将局部应用和注射对成年雄性拟除虫菊的毒性与其巨纤维神经轴突的毒性进行了比较。从对完整昆虫的测试中得出的结论是:(i)虽然ED50S的范围为0.04至65微克/昆虫,但每种化合物的毒性相同,但有一个例外,当通过任何一种途径给药时;(ii)(1 R)-顺式-的酯比相应的(1 R)-反式-3-取代-2,2-二甲基环丙烷羧酸的酯毒性更大;(iii)α-氰基-3-苯氧基苄酯比相应的3-苯氧基苄酯毒性更大;(iv)某些化合物的醇成分的变化(特别是5-苄基-3-呋喃甲醇酯的反式异构体和α-氰基-3-苯氧基苯甲醇酯)对其ED50/时间曲线的恢复阶段的影响大于酸成分的变化;(v)回收量与分子极性呈正相关。在1小时内将巨型纤维的动作电位幅度降低30%所需的浓度范围为0.26 μM(最活跃的化合物)至100 μM(最不活跃的化合物)。神经毒性和对整个昆虫的毒性之间没有明确的关系,神经毒性与分子结构特征之间几乎没有关联。然而,神经毒性与极性呈正相关。巨型纤维轴突似乎不太可能




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