首页> 外文期刊>Weed technology: A journal of the Weed Science Society of America >Sodium Chloride Salt Applications Provide Effective Control of Sourgrass (Paspalum conjugatum) in Seashore Paspalum Turf

Sodium Chloride Salt Applications Provide Effective Control of Sourgrass (Paspalum conjugatum) in Seashore Paspalum Turf

机译:氯化钠盐的应用可有效控制海滨草坪中的酸草(Paspalum conjugatum)

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Sourgrass is a stoloniferous perennial grassy weed found on golf courses throughout Hawaii. No herbicides arc currently labeled for selective control of sourgrass in seashore paspalum turf, a Species used regularly on golf Courses throughout the tropics. A single granular application of fine salt (99 sodium chloride, 1 sodium silicoaluminate, 83 of particles 0.5 to 0.25 mm in diameter) at a rate of 1,464 kg/ha provided 84 and 23 Control of sourgrass 6 wk after initial treatment (WAIT) in 2007 and 2008, respectively. Sequential granular applications of fine salt at 488 kg/ha provided 92 and 96 control of sourgrass in 2007 and 2008, respectively, at 6 WAIT. Granular applications of it coarse Salt (100 sodium chloride, 75 of particles 2.0 to 1.0 mm in diameter) provided a lower level of control than fine salt at both the 1,464- and 488-kg/ha rates oil three Out Of four rating dates in 2008; a similar trend was observed in 2007, but no significant differences were observed between these treatments. All salt treatments led to higher Soil Sodium adsorption ratios (SAR) and electrical conductivity (ECc) than the untreated check; however, levels reported ill thiS study were significantly lower than the threshold SAR and ECc levels chat have been associated with reduced seashore paspalum growth. Sequential applications of MSMA at 1.12 kg/ha and MSMA Plus metribuzin at 1.12 kg/ha and 0.28 kg/ha, respectively, provided greater than 90 control in 2008, but less than 40 control in 2007. Greater seashore paspalum injury was observed following applications of MSMA and MSMA plus metribuzin than following salt applications. Additional research is needed to evaluate strategies for controlling sourgrass in seashore paspalum turf that do not induce phytotoxic injury after application.
机译:酸草是一种匍匐茎性多年生草本杂草,分布在夏威夷各地的高尔夫球场上。目前没有除草剂用于选择性控制海滨草坪中的酸草,该物种在整个热带地区的高尔夫球场上经常使用。2007 年和 2008 年,以 1,464 kg/ha 的速度单粒施用细盐(99% 氯化钠、1% 硅铝酸钠、83% 直径为 0.5 至 0.25 毫米的颗粒)分别在初始处理 (WAIT) 后 6 周内对酸草进行了 84% 和 23% 的控制。2007年和2008年,连续施用488公斤/公顷的细盐,分别控制了92%和96%的酸草。在2008年4个评级日期中,粗盐(100%氯化钠,75%直径为2.0至1.0毫米的颗粒)的颗粒应用提供了比细盐更低的控制水平;2007年也观察到类似的趋势,但这些处理之间没有观察到显着差异。与未处理的检查相比,所有盐处理的土壤钠吸附比(SAR)和电导率(ECc)都更高;然而,报告的 Ill thiS 研究的水平显着低于阈值 SAR 和 ECc 水平与海岸 paspalum 生长减少有关。连续施用 1.12 kg/ha 的 MSMA 和 1.12 kg/ha 的 MSMA Plus metribuzin 和 0.2008年分别为28公斤/公顷,控制率超过90%,但2007年控制率低于40%。与盐施用相比,施用 MSMA 和 MSMA 加美曲布津后观察到的海岸 paspalum 损伤更大。需要更多的研究来评估控制海滨草坪中酸草的策略,这些策略在施用后不会引起植物毒性伤害。




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