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Diabetes Mellitus and Coeliac Disease: A Clinical Study




Fourteen adults in whom diabetes mellitus and coeliac disease coexist, are described. In no patient was coeliac disease diagnosed (biopsy proven) before the age of 28 years. Diabetes was recognized before coeliac disease in all except one. Diabetic control was very unstable and hypoglycaemia particularly troublesome before treatment with a gluten free diet. Following gluten restriction, insulin requirement increased in six patients, and diabetic control became more stable. Diarrhoea due to coeliac disease in a patient with coexisting diabetes, may be mistakenly diagnosed as‘diabetic diarrhoea’. However, certain clinical and laboratory features should arouse suspicion that the diarrhoea is not of diabetic origin. These include a history of gastrointestinal symptoms preceding the diagnosis of diabetes, the occurrence of repeated hypoglycaemia, absence of neuropathy, anaemia, low serum folate, low serum albumin and a malabsorption pattern on small bowel radiography. A definitive diagnosis of coeliac disease can be made only by jejunal biopsy. The opportunity to diagnose coeliac disease in adult diabetics will usually fall to the diabetologist and wider use ofjejunal biopsy in diabetics with chronic or recurrent diarrhoea is sugges
机译:描述了 14 名糖尿病和乳糜泻并存的成人。没有患者在 28 岁之前被诊断出乳糜泻(活检证实)。除一人外,所有糖尿病均在乳糜泻之前被发现。在无麸质饮食治疗之前,糖尿病控制非常不稳定,低血糖尤其麻烦。在麸质限制后,6名患者的胰岛素需求量增加,糖尿病控制变得更加稳定。在合并糖尿病的患者中,乳糜泻引起的腹泻可能被误诊为“糖尿病性腹泻”。然而,某些临床和实验室特征应引起怀疑,腹泻并非糖尿病原因。这些症状包括糖尿病诊断前的胃肠道症状史、反复低血糖的发生、无神经病变、贫血、血清叶酸低、血清白蛋白低和小肠 X 线照相吸收不良模式。乳糜泻的明确诊断只能通过空肠活检。诊断成人糖尿病患者乳糜泻的机会通常落在糖尿病专家身上,在患有慢性或复发性腹泻的糖尿病患者中更广泛地使用空肠活检是




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