
Recovery of residual curarization after red blood cell transfusion


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Background: The muscle-relaxing effects of succinylcholine are terminated via hydrolysis by plasma cholinesterase. There are multiple genetic variants of this enzyme and clinical circumstances that might influence the activity of plasma cholinesterase and eventually lead to prolonged neuromuscular blockade following succinylcholine application. Case Report: Here, we report a parturient woman with atonic bleeding who suffered significant blood loss (hemoglobin 6.0 g·dL-1). For surgical curettage, general anesthesia was performed by using short-acting succinylcholine. By the end of the 105-minute procedure, the patient's trachea was extubated. After extubation she showed signs of the prolonged neuromuscular blocking action of succinylcholine. At this time, the patient received an AB0-compatible red blood cell transfusion and recovered instantly from neuromuscular blockade. The plasma cholinesterase (3.200 U·L-1) was below the normal range (4.900-12.000 U·L-1). Patient's blood DNA analysis revealed heterozygously the genetic K variant of plasma cholinesterase. After red blood cell transfusion, serum potassium was elevated (5.7 mmol·L-1; 4.4 mmol·L-1 prior to transfusion). Conclusions: Pregnancy, blood loss and genetic variation contributed to impairment of plasma cholinesterase. Due to high-speed red blood cell transfusion, hemolytic release of erythrocyte cholinesterase might have terminated the neuromuscular blocking succinylcholine effect.
机译:背景:琥珀酰胆碱的肌肉松弛作用通过血浆胆碱酯酶的水解终止。这种酶有多种遗传变异和临床情况,可能会影响血浆胆碱酯酶的活性,并最终导致琥珀酰胆碱应用后长时间的神经肌肉阻滞。病例报告:在这里,我们报告了一名患有失张力性出血的产妇,她失血量很大(血红蛋白 6.0 g·dL-1)。对于手术刮宫术,使用短效琥珀酰胆碱进行全身麻醉。在 105 分钟的手术结束时,患者的气管被拔管。拔管后,她表现出琥珀胆碱长期神经肌肉阻滞作用的迹象。此时,患者接受了与AB0相容的红细胞输注,并立即从神经肌肉阻滞中恢复过来。血浆胆碱酯酶(3.200 U·L-1)低于正常范围(4.900-12.000 U·L-1)。患者的血液DNA分析杂合揭示了血浆胆碱酯酶的遗传K变异。输注红细胞后血钾升高(5.7 mmol·L-1;4.4 mmol·输血前的 L-1)。结论:妊娠、失血和遗传变异是血浆胆碱酯酶受损的原因。由于高速红细胞输注,红细胞胆碱酯酶的溶血释放可能终止了神经肌肉阻断琥珀酰胆碱的作用。




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