首页> 外文期刊>journal of applied polymer science >The mechanism of radiation damage to elastomers. I. Chain scission and antirad action

The mechanism of radiation damage to elastomers. I. Chain scission and antirad action




AbstractThe effect of antirads on the gamma radiation yields of scission in black loaded natural rubber stocks has been studied. The yield of chain scission has been measured by stress relaxation methods. The antirads were found to decrease the rate of chain scission, both in air and under nitrogen, with the antirad effectiveness being greater in the former case. The presence of oxygen accelerated the radiation induced chain scission. These results may be explained if it is assumed that (1) RO2· radicals lead to chain scission more readily than do R · radicals, and (2) RO2· radicals react with antirads leading to stabilized products more readily than do R · radic
机译:摘要研究了抗辐射剂对黑色负载天然橡胶浆料中剪断的伽马辐射产率的影响。链条断裂的屈服是通过应力松弛方法测量的。研究发现,抗辐射剂在空气和氮气下都能降低断链速率,在前一种情况下,抗辐射效果更大。氧气的存在加速了辐射引起的链断裂。如果假设(1)RO2·自由基比 R · 更容易导致链断裂 ·自由基,(2)RO2·自由基与抗辐射剂反应,导致稳定产物比 R ·基数




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