首页> 外文期刊>Transportation research, Part A. Policy and practice >The trouble with minimum parking requirements

The trouble with minimum parking requirements


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Urban planners typically set the minimum parking requirements forevery land use to satisfy the peak demand for free parking. As aresult, parking is free for 99 of automobile trips in the UnitedStates. Minimum parking requirements increase the supply and reducethe price but not the cost of parking. They bundle the cost ofparking spaces into the cost of development, and thereby increase theprices of all the goods and services sold at the sites that offerfree parking. Cars have many external costs, but the external cost ofparking in cities may be greater than all the other external costscombined. To prevent spillover, cities could price on-street parkingrather than require off-street parking. Compared with mini- mumparking requirements, market prices can allocate parking spacesfairly and efficiently.
机译:城市规划者通常会为每块土地的使用设定最低停车要求,以满足对免费停车的高峰需求。因此,在美国,有 99 次汽车旅行免费停车。最低停车要求增加了供应并降低了价格,但不是停车成本。他们将停车位的成本与开发成本捆绑在一起,从而提高了提供免费停车的地点出售的所有商品和服务的价格。汽车有许多外部成本,但在城市停车的外部成本可能大于所有其他外部成本的总和。为了防止溢出效应,城市可以对路边停车进行定价,而不是要求路边停车。与最低限度的停车位要求相比,市场价格可以公平有效地分配停车位。




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