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Introduction: The crisis decades


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There has evolved a pervasive form of competition in theinternational labour mar- ket which can drag down what were sociallyresponsible companies. Similarly, fund- ing bodies have can drag beenwilling to lend without adequate ship surveys or establishedcreditworthiness. The careful monitoring and the fidelity and ethics,which were once underpinning shipping have been eroded in the decadessince 1973. Many of these views are in fact reflected across theindustry. The financier Paul Slater referring to financial lossessaid at the Ship Finance Conference in 1996… 'Unfortunately somelong term debt roviders were recently persuaded to lend on overvaluedassets into an inherently unsound group of shipping companies whichresulted in the inevitable bankruptcy that has once again taintedshipping's reputation in the capital markets'.
机译:在国际劳动力市场中,已经形成了一种普遍的竞争形式,这种竞争形式可能会拖累那些具有社会责任感的公司。同样,融资机构也可能在没有充分的船舶检验或建立信誉的情况下拖累他们愿意放贷。自 1973 年以来的几十年里,曾经是航运业基础的仔细监控、忠诚和道德已经受到侵蚀。事实上,其中许多观点都反映在整个行业中。金融家保罗·斯莱特(Paul Slater)在1996年的船舶融资会议上提到财务损失时说...“不幸的是,一些长期债务投资者最近被说服将估值过高的资产借给一个本质上不健全的航运公司集团,这导致了不可避免的破产,再次玷污了航运业在资本市场上的声誉。




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