首页> 外文期刊>Physics Letters, B. Nuclear Physics and High Energy Physics >Hawking radiation of Dirac particles via tunnelling from rotating black holes in de Sitter spaces

Hawking radiation of Dirac particles via tunnelling from rotating black holes in de Sitter spaces


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Hawking radiation from black hole horizon can be viewed as a quantum tunnelling process, and recent research shows fermions via tunnelling from black holes can correctly recover Hawking temperature.In this letter, considering the tunnelling particles with spin 1/2 (namely, Dirac particles), we further improve Kerner and Mann’s fermions tunnelling method to study Hawking radiation via tunnelling from rotating black holes in de Sitter spaces, specifically including that from Kerr–de Sitter black hole and Kerr–Newman–de Sitter black hole. As a result, Hawking temperatures at the event horizon (EH) and the cosmological horizon (CH) are well described via Dirac particles’ tunnelling.
机译:来自黑洞视界的霍金辐射可以看作是一个量子隧穿过程,最近的研究表明,通过黑洞隧穿的费米子可以正确地恢复霍金温度。在这封信中,考虑到自旋1/2的隧穿粒子(即狄拉克粒子),我们进一步改进了Kerner和Mann的费米子隧穿方法,以研究通过隧穿来自de Sitter空间中旋转黑洞的霍金辐射,特别是包括Kerr-de Sitter黑洞和Kerr-Newman-de Sitter黑洞。因此,通过狄拉克粒子的隧穿作用,可以很好地描述事件视界(EH)和宇宙视界(CH)处的霍金温度。




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