
Tapped out


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Phone-tapping used to mean a quick click of a mouse to extract the right conversations from computerised exchanges. The rise of Internet telephony is making that approach a thing of the past, according to Christine Evans-Pughe. TO CATCH A Cold War spy, first get a team of M16 and CIA operatives to tunnel under the Russian sector in Berlin and find the central communications cable of Soviet Military Command. Next, send a Post Office engineer down the tunnel to attach phone-tapping circuits, and then wait for the intelligence to flood in. For maintenance problems, contact Post Office Special Investigations, a lab full of M15 scientists designing new bugs and fixing old ones in the basement of the Post Office research headquarters at Dollis Hill, North London.
机译:电话窃听过去意味着快速点击鼠标即可从计算机化的交流中提取正确的对话。根据Christine Evans-Pughe的说法,互联网电话的兴起正在使这种方法成为过去。要抓到冷战间谍,首先要让一队 M16 和中央情报局特工在柏林的俄罗斯区下挖隧道,找到苏联军事司令部的中央通信电缆。接下来,派一名邮局工程师沿着隧道连接电话窃听电路,然后等待情报涌入。对于维护问题,请联系邮局特别调查,这是一个由M15科学家组成的实验室,他们在伦敦北部多利斯山的邮局研究总部的地下室设计新错误并修复旧错误。




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