
Ghrelin and GHS on cardiovascular applications/functions.

机译:生长素释放肽和 GHS 对心血管应用/功能的影响。

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Although initially recognised for their GH-releasing properties, the cardiovascular system has been recognised as a potentially important target for GH secretagogues (GHS). Moreover, a limited number of studies also indicate cardiovascular effects of ghrelin. So far reported cardiovascular effects of GHS and/or ghrelin include lowering of peripheral resistance, possible improvement of contractility and cardioprotective effects both in vivo and in vitro. Taken together, these results offer an interesting perspective on the future where further studies aiming at evaluating a role of GHS and ghrelin in the treatment of cardiovascular disease are warranted.
机译:虽然最初因其释放 GH 的特性而得到认可,但心血管系统已被认为是 GH 促泌素 (GHS) 的潜在重要靶标。此外,有限数量的研究也表明生长素释放肽对心血管的影响。迄今为止,GHS和/或生长素释放肽在体内和体外报道的心血管作用包括降低外周阻力、可能改善收缩力和心脏保护作用。综上所述,这些结果为未来提供了一个有趣的视角,旨在评估GHS和生长素释放肽在心血管疾病治疗中的作用的进一步研究是必要的。




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