首页> 外文期刊>Teratogenesis, carcinogenesis, and mutagenesis >Developmental toxicity of dinocap in the mouse is not due to two isomers of the major active ingredients

Developmental toxicity of dinocap in the mouse is not due to two isomers of the major active ingredients




AbstractTechnical‐grade dinocap, a complex‐mixture fungicide, is teratogenic in the CD‐1 mouse, causing cleft palate and otolith defects. In this study we compared the developmental toxicities of 2,4‐dinitro‐6‐(1‐methylheptyl)phenyl crotonate and 2,6‐dinitro‐4‐(1‐methylheptyl)phenyl crotonate, model isomers of the major active ingredients of technical dinocap, to the known teratogenicity of the technical compound. Individual isomers, both isomers combined, or technical dinocap were administered to pregnant mice on days 7–16 of gestation. Some dams were killed at term and litters were removed, dead fetuses and resorptions were counted, and live fetuses were weighed and preserved in Bodian's fixative for examination for cleft palate. Other treated dams were allowed to give birth: postnatal viability and growth, development of swimming behavior, and otolith formation were evaluated. As in previous studies, technical‐grade dinocap caused cleft palate and weight deficits in fetuses at term and increased neonatal mortality and abnormal swimming behavior, torticollis, and deficient otolith formation in surviving pups. Neither of the purified isomers exhibited any developmental toxicity when administered under identical conditions. Thus, it is concluded that these isomers are not the active teratogenic component(s) i
机译:摘要技术级恐龙胶囊是一种复合混合物杀菌剂,在CD-1小鼠中具有致畸性,可引起腭裂和耳石缺陷。在这项研究中,我们比较了2,4-二硝基-6-(1-甲基庚基)苯基巴豆酸酯和2,6-二硝基-4-(1-甲基庚基)苯基巴豆酸酯(工业恐龙CAP主要活性成分的模型异构体)的发育毒性,与技术化合物的已知致畸性。在妊娠第7-16天对怀孕小鼠施用单个异构体,两种异构体组合或技术恐龙帽。一些母猪在足月时被杀死,窝被清除,死胎和吸收被计数,活胎儿被称重并保存在博迪安的固定剂中,以检查腭裂。其他经过处理的水坝被允许分娩:评估出生后的生存能力和生长、游泳行为的发展和耳石的形成。与以前的研究一样,技术级恐龙帽导致足月胎儿的腭裂和体重缺陷,并增加新生儿死亡率和异常游泳行为、斜颈和幸存幼崽的耳石形成不足。在相同条件下施用时,纯化的异构体均未表现出任何发育毒性。因此,可以得出结论,这些异构体不是活性致畸成分 i




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