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Effect of Estrogen on Brain Activation Patterns in Postmenopausal Women During Working Memory Tasks




One of the effects of a decline in circulating estrogen, in animal studies, is to diminish cognitive function. This trial used functional magnetic resonance imaging to learn whether estrogen replacement therapy influences brain activation patterns. The study group, 46 women with natural or surgical menopause ranging in age from 33 to 61 years, participated in a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover trial. They received either 1.25 mg daily of conjugated equine estrogens or a placebo for 3 weeks and, after a 2-week washout interval, were changed over to the other regimen. Verbal memory tasks were presented during magnetic resonance imaging; the stimuli included both pronounceable nonsense words (for verbal memory) and Tamil letters (for nonverbal memory).During verbal storage, estrogen therapy increased activation in the superior frontal gyrus and the inferior parietal lobule, findings confirmed by region-of-interest analyses. Estrogen also sharpened the asymmetry effect on hemispheric encoding and retrieval. An example is a major increase in activation accompanying retrieval tasks in the right superior frontal gyrus, for both verbal and nonverbal stimuli. The left hemisphere was activated more than the right during encoding, and the right hemisphere was activated more than the left during retrieval. Asymmetry was much more evident during estrogen therapy. Information was retrieved with comparable accuracy in the estrogen and placebo conditions, regardless of stimulus type.This study indicates that functional magnetic resonance imaging should be a useful approach to exploring the effects of estrogen on cognitive function in postmenopausal women. It seems that estrogen influences how the brain is organized for memory in this setting.J Am Med Assoc 1999;281:1197–1202
机译:在动物研究中,循环雌激素下降的影响之一是降低认知功能。该试验使用功能性磁共振成像来了解雌激素替代疗法是否会影响大脑激活模式。该研究组有46名年龄在33至61岁之间的自然或手术绝经女性,参加了一项随机、双盲、安慰剂对照、交叉试验。他们每天接受 1.25 毫克的结合马雌激素或安慰剂,持续 3 周,并在 2 周的清除间隔后改用另一种方案。在磁共振成像期间提出口头记忆任务;刺激包括可发音的废话(用于口头记忆)和泰米尔字母(用于非语言记忆)。在言语储存期间,雌激素治疗增加了额上回和顶下小叶的激活,研究结果得到了感兴趣区域分析的证实。雌激素还加剧了对半球编码和检索的不对称效应。一个例子是右额上回的激活伴随检索任务的显着增加,无论是语言刺激还是非语言刺激。在编码过程中,左半球比右半球被激活得更多,在检索过程中,右半球比左半球被激活得更多。在雌激素治疗期间,不对称性更为明显。无论刺激类型如何,在雌激素和安慰剂条件下以相当的准确性检索信息。这项研究表明,功能性磁共振成像应该是探索雌激素对绝经后妇女认知功能影响的有用方法。在这种情况下,雌激素似乎会影响大脑的记忆组织方式。J Am Med Assoc 1999 年;281:1197–1202


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