
Sweat the small stuff for more CD debris recovery

机译:为更多的 CD 碎屑回收提供汗水

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Recovery jumps when hazardous building components are removed and CD debris processing fines are put to use. Construction and demolition (CD) debris management has been the focus of major attention in recent years. This has been especially true in Florida, where CD waste accounts for approximately 25 percent of the municipal waste stream. As reported in the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's new CD characterization report, in recent years, Florida led the nation in the number of CD waste landfills (see "CD Debris: Putting the Pieces Together" in the September 1998 issue). The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (Tallahassee) has addressed the CD debris issue by promulgating new requirements for CD management facilities and operators and by pro- moling the safe recycling of this waste stream.
机译:当危险建筑构件被移除并使用 C&D 碎片处理细粉时,回收率会跃升。近年来,建筑和拆除(C&D)碎片管理一直是人们关注的焦点。在佛罗里达州尤其如此,那里的建筑垃圾约占城市垃圾流的25%。正如美国环境保护署(U.S. Environmental Protection Agency)新的C&D描述报告所报道的那样,近年来,佛罗里达州在C&D废物填埋场的数量方面处于全国领先地位(参见1998年9月号的“C&D碎片:将碎片放在一起”)。佛罗里达环境保护部(塔拉哈西)通过颁布对C&D管理设施和运营商的新要求,并推动该废物流的安全回收,解决了C&D碎片问题。




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