首页> 外文期刊>Chemistry of Materials: A Publication of the American Chemistry Society >Contrasting Catalytic Functions of Metal Vanadates and Their Oxide Composite Analogues for NH3-Assisted, Selective NO_x Transformation

Contrasting Catalytic Functions of Metal Vanadates and Their Oxide Composite Analogues for NH3-Assisted, Selective NO_x Transformation


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V2O5 fuses with transition metals to create dozens of different metal vanadates, whose acidic/redox traits can be diverse yet optimized for selective catalytic NO_x reduction (SCR) by changing the metals used or their metal:vanadium stoichiom-etry. However, no metal vanadate has been compared with its metal oxide composite analogue as an active phase for SCR, albeit a vanadate occasionally outperforms an oxide composite simulating a commercial catalyst (V2O5-WO3). Herein, Cu3V2O8 and CuO-VO2/V2O5 were rationally selected as model phases of metal vanadates and oxide composites and isolated using pH regulation of their synthetic mixture to ≤~5 (pHl/pH5) and ~11 (pH11), respectively. The pH1/pH5/pH11 samples were comparable with regard to morphological, textural, and compositional traits but not for crystallographic features. This thus provided the impetus to simulate the pH1/pHS/pH11 surfaces under a SO2-containing feed-gas stream, by which SO_A~(2-)/HSO_A~- functionalities (A = 3-4) were anchored on their (defective) Lewis acidic metals and/or labile oxygens (O_α). This could result in the formation of pH1-S/pH5-S/pH11-S, whose major surface species were Bronsted acidic bonds (SO_A~(2-)/HSO_A~-) and redox sites (O_α; mobile oxygen (O_M); oxygen vacancy (O_V)). pH1-S/pH5-S/pH11-S were similar in terms of NH3 binding energies and energy barriers in SCR yet escalated collision frequencies among the surface species involved in the sequence of pH11-S < pH5-S < pH1-S (via kinetic assessments), as was the case with the numbers of SO_A~(2-)/HSO_A~- functionalities of the catalysts (via temperature-resolved Raman spectroscopy). These were coupled to elevate the efficiency of acidic cycling on the order of pH11-S < pH5-S < pH1-S. Meanwhile, the amounts of O_α and O_V (or O_M) innate to pH1-S/pH5-S were smaller than and comparable to those of pH11-S, respectively. Nonetheless, pH1-S/pH5-S provided greater O_M mobility than pH11-S, thereby proceeding better with redox cycling than pH11-S (via ~(18)O-labeling O2-on/off runs). Furthermore, pH1-S/pH5-S outperformed pH11-S in SCR under diffusion-limited domains, while enhancing the resistance to H2O, ammonium (bi)sulfate poisons, or hydrothermal aging over pH11-S by diversifying the selective N2 production pathway other than SCR.
机译:V2O5 与过渡金属融合以产生数十种不同的金属钒酸盐,其酸性/氧化还原性状可以多种多样,但通过改变所使用的金属或其金属:钒的特性来优化选择性催化NO_x还原 (SCR)。然而,尽管钒酸盐偶尔优于模拟商业催化剂(V2O5-WO3)的氧化物复合物,但尚未将金属钒酸盐与其金属氧化物复合物类似物作为SCR的活性相进行比较。本文合理选取Cu3V2O8和CuO-VO2/V2O5作为金属钒酸盐和氧化物复合材料的模型相,并分别将其合成混合物的pH调节至≤~5(pHl/pH5)和~11(pH11)进行分离。pH1/pH5/pH11样品在形态、质地和组成特征方面具有可比性,但在晶体学特征方面不具有可比性。因此,这为模拟含SO2原料气流下的pH1/pHS/pH11表面提供了动力,通过该表面,SO_A~(2-)/HSO_A~-官能团(A = 3-4)被锚定在其(有缺陷的)路易斯酸性金属和/或不稳定氧(O_α)上。这可能导致pH1-S/pH5-S/pH11-S的形成,其主要表面物质是布朗斯特德酸性键(SO_A~(2-)/HSO_A~-)和氧化还原位点(O_α;移动氧(O_M);氧空位(O_V))。pH1-S/pH5-S/pH11-S在SCR中NH3结合能和能垒方面相似,但pH11-S




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