首页> 外文期刊>Clinical and experimental allergy : >Relationship between skin‐prick tests, the multiple allergosorbent test and symptoms of allergic disease

Relationship between skin‐prick tests, the multiple allergosorbent test and symptoms of allergic disease




SummaryIn 47 atopic subjects, skin‐prick testing to 10 common allergens was performed, and specific IgE to the same allergens was assessed by the multi‐allergosorbent chemiluminescent assay (MAST‐CLA). Overall agreement between the tests was 66.4 for conventionally positive skin tests (weal diameter 3 mm), rising to 78.5 when a positive skin test was defined as having a weal diameter greater than or equal to 5 mm. Agreement between the tests was statistically significant for all allergens exceptAlternaria.A history was obtained from each subject of the presence or absence of allergic symptoms on exposure to cats, and whether there was a history of grass pollen allergy. MAST‐CLA testing for specific IgE to cat dander predicted a history of cat allergy with an efficiency of 74.5, while a positive MAST‐CLA test for Cocksfoot grass predicted a history of grass pollen allergy with an efficiency of 85.1. Similar results were obtained on skin testing for these allergens. We conclude that MAST‐CLA gave results comparable to those obtained by skin‐prick testing, and correlated equally well with the history of alle
机译:摘要在 47 名特应性受试者中,对 10 种常见过敏原进行了皮肤点刺试验,并通过多过敏原吸附化学发光测定 (MAST-CLA) 评估了对相同过敏原的特异性 IgE。对于常规阳性皮肤试验(伤口直径 3 毫米),测试之间的总体一致性为 66.4%,当皮肤试验阳性定义为伤口直径大于或等于 5 毫米时,该测试之间的总体一致性上升到 78.5%。除链格孢菌外,所有过敏原的测试之间的一致性具有统计学意义,从每个受试者那里获得了暴露于猫时是否存在过敏症状的病史,以及是否有草花粉过敏史。对猫皮屑的特异性 IgE 的 MAST-CLA 检测预测了猫过敏史,效率为 74.5%,而鸡脚草的 MAST-CLA 检测呈阳性,预测了草花粉过敏史,效率为 85.1%。在这些过敏原的皮肤试验中也获得了类似的结果。我们得出结论,MAST-CLA的结果与皮肤点刺试验获得的结果相当,并且与all-plea病史的相关性同样好。




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