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Energy Policy as if the Planet Mattered:Efficiency's Role


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If you follow the news,it is not hard to see the growing negative effects of fossil fuel use,driven by unchecked energy demand: ·A planned Peruvian gas pipeline threatens fragile rainforest habitat. ·An oil tanker sinking in the Atlantic brings ecological disaster to the Spanish and Portuguese coasts. ·Electricity blackouts strike major U.S. cities in 1999 and 2001. ·Almost half of Americans live in areas that still fail air quality standards. ·Falling fuel economy in American cars worsens our dependence on Middle Eastern oil as we prepare for another war with Iraq. ·Growing signs of climate change threaten a host of economic and environmental problems. Yet rarely do the news media,when they report these problems,cover the alternative energy resource options that could prevent or lessen the impact of these tragedies.If they did,they would find that energy efficiency is the cleanest, cheapest,and fastest alternative to conventional fossil fuel use in meeting our energy needs.
机译:如果你关注新闻,不难看出化石燃料使用的负面影响越来越大,这是由不受控制的能源需求驱动的: ·计划中的秘鲁天然气管道威胁着脆弱的热带雨林栖息地。·一艘在大西洋沉没的油轮给西班牙和葡萄牙海岸带来了生态灾难。·1999 年和 2001 年,美国主要城市发生停电。·几乎一半的美国人生活在空气质量仍未达到标准的地区。·美国汽车燃油经济性下降加剧了我们对中东石油的依赖,因为我们正在为与伊拉克的另一场战争做准备。·越来越多的气候变化迹象威胁着一系列经济和环境问题。然而,新闻媒体在报道这些问题时,很少报道可以防止或减轻这些悲剧影响的替代能源选择。如果他们这样做了,他们会发现能源效率是满足我们能源需求的最清洁、最便宜、最快捷的替代传统化石燃料的使用方式。




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