首页> 外文期刊>Applied and Environmental Microbiology >Biosynthesis of the Pharmaceutically Important Fungal Ergot Alkaloid Dihydrolysergic Acid Requires a Specialized Allele of cloA

Biosynthesis of the Pharmaceutically Important Fungal Ergot Alkaloid Dihydrolysergic Acid Requires a Specialized Allele of cloA

机译:具有药学意义的真菌麦角生物碱二氢麦角酸的生物合成需要 cloA 的特殊等位基因

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Ergot alkaloids are specialized fungal metabolites that are important as the bases of several pharmaceuticals. Many ergot alkaloids are derivatives of lysergic acid (LA) and have vasoconstrictive activity, whereas several dihydrolysergic acid (DHLA) derivatives are vasorelaxant. The pathway to LA is established, with the P450 monooxygenase CloA playing a key role in oxidizing its substrate agroclavine to LA. We analyzed the activities of products of cloA alleles from different fungi relative to DHLA biosynthesis by expressing them in a mutant of the fungus Neosartorya fumigata that accumulates festuclavine, the precursor to DHLA. Transformants expressing CloA from Epichloe typhina x Epichlo festucae, which oxidizes agroclavine to LA, failed to oxidize festuclavine to DHLA. In substrate feeding experiments, these same transformants oxidized exogenously supplied agroclavine to LA, indicating that a functional CloA was produced. A genomic clone of cloA from Claviceps africana, a sorghum ergot fungus that produces a DHLA derivative, was cloned and expressed in the festuclavine-accumulating mutant of N. fumigata, but several introns in this genomic clone were not processed properly. Expression of a synthetic intron-free version of C. africana cloA resulted in the accumulation of DHLA as assessed by fluorescence high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) and liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS). In substrate feeding experiments, the C. africana CloA also accepted agroclavine as the substrate, oxidizing it to LA. The data indicate that a specialized allele of cloA is required for DHLA biosynthesis and that the pharmaceutically important compound DHLA can be produced in engineered N. fumigata.
机译:麦角生物碱是特殊的真菌代谢物,是多种药物的重要基础。许多麦角生物碱是麦角酸 (LA) 的衍生物,具有血管收缩活性,而几种二氢麦角酸 (DHLA) 衍生物是血管松弛剂。建立了通往 LA 的途径,其中 P450 单加氧酶 CloA 在将其底物农黄素氧化为 LA 中起关键作用。我们分析了来自不同真菌的 cloA 等位基因产物相对于 DHLA 生物合成的活性,方法是将它们表达在积累 festuclavine(DHLA 的前体)的真菌 Neosartorya fumigata 的突变体中。表达来自 Epichloe typhina x Epichlo festucae 的 CloA 的转化体将农黄碱氧化为 LA,但未能将 festuclavine 氧化为 DHLA。在底物喂养实验中,这些相同的转化体氧化了外源性供应给LA的农黄素,表明产生了功能性CloA。在烟曲霉菌的粪曲霉积累突变体中克隆并表达了来自非洲高粟麦角真菌的 cloA 基因组克隆,但该基因组克隆中的几个内含子没有得到正确处理。通过荧光高压液相色谱 (HPLC) 和液相色谱-质谱 (LC-MS) 评估,合成无内含子版本的非洲梭菌 cloA 的表达导致 DHLA 的积累。在基质进料实验中,C.africana CloA 也接受 agroclavine 作为底物,将其氧化成 LA。数据表明,DHLA的生物合成需要cloA的特化等位基因,并且具有重要药学意义的化合物DHLA可以在工程化的烟曲霉中产生。




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