首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Endocrinological Investigation: Official Journal of the Italian Society of Endocrinology >Is the risk of primary hyperparathyroidismincreased in patients with untreated breast cancer?

Is the risk of primary hyperparathyroidismincreased in patients with untreated breast cancer?


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Background: An increased frequency of primary hyperparathyroidism (PHP) has been reported in patients with treated breast cancer (BC). PHP has been found in about 7 of BC patients after surgery and radio-, chemio- or hormonal therapy. Aim: To evaluate the frequency of PHP in untreated BC patients. Subjects and methods: We evaluated 186 women with BC and 233 women with thyroid cancer (TC, no.=122) or benign thyroid diseases (BTD, no.=111). In all patients, serum calcium, albumin, PTH, and 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25-OH vitD) were measured before any treatment. Results: Serum calcium concentrations were significantly higher in BC than in TC and BTD groups (median values 9.5 mg/dl, 9.3 mg/dl and 9.3 mg/dl, respectively) but, according to a logistic regression model, calcium was not significantly different between the 3 groups when age was taken into account. In all patients, serum calcium was in the normal range, indicating that no case of overt PHP was present. Five patients (1 in BC, 2 in TC, and 2 in BDT groups) had serum calcium close to the upper limit of normal range, high PTH and low 25-OH vitD, indicating a possible PHP with hypercalcemia masked by concomitant 25-OH vitD deficiency. Conclusions: In untreated BC group, no patient had overt PHP and 1/186 (0.5) presented a possible PHP masked by 25-OH vitD deficiency, a PHP frequency much lower than that observed in treated BC patients. These data suggest that the treatments of BC may be responsible for the increased frequency of PHP reported in previous studies.
机译:背景:据报道,在接受治疗的乳腺癌 (BC) 患者中,原发性甲状旁腺功能亢进症 (PHP) 的发生率增加。在大约 7% 的 BC 患者中,在手术和放疗、化疗或激素治疗后发现了 PHP。目的:评估未经治疗的 BC 患者中 PHP 的频率。受试者和方法:我们评估了 186 名患有 BC 的女性和 233 名患有甲状腺癌(TC,编号=122)或甲状腺良性疾病(BTD,编号=111)的女性。在所有患者中,在任何治疗前都测量血清钙、白蛋白、PTH 和 25-羟基维生素 D (25-OH vitD)。结果:BC组血清钙浓度显著高于TC组和BTD组(中位数分别为9.5 mg/dl、9.3 mg/dl和9.3 mg/dl),但根据logistic回归模型,当考虑年龄时,3组之间的钙差异无统计学意义。在所有患者中,血清钙均在正常范围内,表明不存在明显的 PHP 病例。5 例患者(BC 组 1 例、TC 组 2 例和 BDT 组 2 例)血清钙接近正常范围上限,PTH 高,25-OH vitD 低,提示可能存在 PHP 伴有高钙血症,并伴有 25-OH vitD 缺乏症。结论:在未接受治疗的BC组中,没有患者有明显的PHP,1/186(0.5%)的患者可能被25-OH vitD缺乏症掩盖,PHP频率远低于治疗的BC患者。这些数据表明,BC的治疗可能是先前研究中报道的PHP频率增加的原因。




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