
PC-cluster utility toolkit (CLUT) for immersive projection displays

机译:PC-cluster utility toolkit (CLUT) for immersive projection displays

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In this research, we propose a PC-Cluster utility toolkit (CLUT) for rapid and efficient development environments in immersive projection displays. CLUT provides a API set similar to GLUT, therefore, high compatibility of source codes in CLUT and GLUT is realized. The communication between PCs based on MPI (Message Passing Interface) is hidden in CLUT, and the users can create 3-D applications in the almost same procedure as a desktop environment. Moreover, CLUT supports various styles of immersive display systems with a simple configuration. We developed some applications with CLUT in three different kinds of immersive display systems. We also illustrate the effectiveness of CLUT with an evaluation according to the amount of data transmission and rendering performance.


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