首页> 外文期刊>Water, air and soil pollution >Airborne contamination of immature soil (Lusatian mining district) by lignite-derived materials: Its detection and contribution to the soil organic matter budget

Airborne contamination of immature soil (Lusatian mining district) by lignite-derived materials: Its detection and contribution to the soil organic matter budget


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Large areas in eastern Germany have been subjected to substantial airborne contamination by fly ash, soot and lignite dust. The objective of the study was to detect the input of lignite-derived airborne contamination into forest soils and to examine the chemical and structural characteristics of the soil organic matter, consisting of natural humic material and lignite-derived carbon in reforested immature mine soils. The mine soil developed on sandy overburden material that was excavated in open-cast lignite mines and had been relocated and deposited ata spoil bank. Samples were taken from the forest floor (L, Oh), the humic surface horizon (Ai), and the parent substrate (Cv) of an immature mine soil under a 25-year-old red oak (Quercus rubra), situated close to a briquette factory. The conceptual approach includes analyses of bulk soil as well as particle-size fractions for C and N contents, magnetic susceptibility, radiocarbon age and chemical structure by using C-13 CPMAS NMR spectroscopy. High magnetic susceptibility of the Oh and Ai horizon is the result of airborne contamination by lignite-derived ash. Fly ash contamination consisting of ferrimagnetic minerals contributes mainly to the < 20 mu m fractions. In the Oh and Ai horizon, 44 and 46 of the C was found to be of anthropogenic origin. Structural information indicates that lignite-derived dust and/or soot are present in the coarse particle size fractions (6.3-200 mu m). Anthropogenic C increased the C content as well as the contribution of alkyl and aromatic C species in the organic matter. References: 32
机译:德国东部的大片地区受到粉煤灰、烟尘和褐煤粉尘的大量空气污染。该研究的目的是检测褐煤衍生的空气污染对森林土壤的输入,并检查重新造林的未成熟矿山土壤中土壤有机质的化学和结构特征,包括天然腐殖质物质和褐煤衍生碳。矿山土壤发育在露天褐煤矿中挖掘的沙质覆盖层材料上,并已搬迁并沉积在弃土堆中。取样自森林地面(L,Oh),腐殖质表层(Ai)和未成熟矿山土壤的母基质(Cv),该土壤位于煤球厂附近,有25年树龄的红橡树(Quercus rubra)。概念方法包括使用C-13 CPMAS NMR波谱分析块状土壤以及C和N含量的粒径分数,磁化率,放射性碳年龄和化学结构。Oh 和 Ai 地层的高磁化率是褐煤衍生的灰烬在空气中污染的结果。由亚铁磁性矿物组成的粉煤灰污染主要导致<20μm的馏分。在Oh和Ai层中,44%和46%的C被发现是人为来源的。结构信息表明,褐煤衍生的粉尘和/或烟尘存在于粗粒径部分(6.3-200μ m)中。人为C增加了有机质中C含量以及烷基和芳香族C物种的贡献。[参考文献: 32]




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