首页> 外文期刊>Water, air and soil pollution >Links between runoff generation, climate and nitrate-N leaching from forested catchments

Links between runoff generation, climate and nitrate-N leaching from forested catchments


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To assess links between hydroclimatological factors and NO3--N concentrations in streamflow from boreal forests with shallow soils, data from two catchments were analyzed. TOPMODEL was used to calculate the surface runoff fraction, daily dynamics of soil moisture, groundwater levels, and extensions of saturated areas. The stable isotope O-18 was used for isotopic hydrograph separation (IHS) during one snowmelt season. Air-temperature and flow increase were the dominating factors explaining annual NO3--N dynamics. Correlation also was found between NO3--N concentrations and the surface runoff fraction. Increased concentrations during times of shallow groundwater were found both during cold and warm periods in one catchment. In the other, shallow groundwater was correlated to decreasing concentrations during cold periods, and increasing concentrations during warm periods. A two component model of event and pre-event water fractions and corresponding NO3--N concentrations was set up for the snowmelt season. Model predictions mirrored NO3--N concentration s during the first five days of the snowmelt. After that, the model overestimated NO3--N concentrations, which indicates retention of NO3--N in the event water fraction, originating from the snowmelt. The highest concentrations occurred during the initiations of flow increase, which indicates flushing of surficial NO3--N. References: 20
机译:为了评估水文气候因子与浅层土壤北方森林溪流中NO3--N浓度之间的联系,分析了来自两个集水区的数据。TOPMODEL用于计算地表径流分数、土壤水分日动态、地下水位和饱和区延伸。在一个融雪季节,稳定同位素O-18被用于同位素水文图分离(IHS)。气温和流量增加是解释NO3--N年动态的主要因素。NO3--N浓度与地表径流分数之间也存在相关性。在一个集水区,在寒冷和温暖的时期,浅层地下水的浓度都有所增加。另一方面,浅层地下水与寒冷时期浓度降低和温暖时期浓度增加有关。建立了融雪季节事件和事件前水分数以及相应的NO3--N浓度的双分量模型。模型预测反映了融雪前五天的NO3--N浓度。之后,该模型高估了NO3--N浓度,这表明NO3--N在水部分的保留,源于融雪。最高浓度发生在流量增加的开始,表明表面NO3--N的冲洗。[参考文献: 20]




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