首页> 外文期刊>European Journal of Forest Pathology >Fungi in bark peeling wounds ofPicea abiesin central Sweden

Fungi in bark peeling wounds ofPicea abiesin central Sweden




SummaryA total of 210 Norway spruce trees with stem wounds resulting from bark peeling by moose (Alces alces) were examined in three 45–50‐year‐old stands that contained 20‐30 of damaged trees. Injured stems were between 8 and 40 cm diameter at breast height (d.b.h.) and showed 1 to 23‐year‐old wounds. Wounds varied in size from 2 to 4815 cm2. The size of injury correlated negatively with the age of the injury (r=‐0.24; p=0.004), and positive correlation was established between the age of the injury and d.b.h. of the wounded tree (r=0.50; p=0.0001). Each wound was sampled once using an increment borer and fungi were isolated. Among basidiomycetes,Stereum sanguinolentumwas the most common (isolated from 26.7 of the damaged stems). Other common species wereCylindrobasidium evolvens(23.8),Amylostereum areolatum(5.2),A. chailletii(0.5),Heterobasidion annosum(5.2),Peni‐ophorapithya(1.4),Sistotrema brinkmannii(1.0). The ascomyceteNectria fuckelianawas the most common among all fungi (present in 35.7 of bark peeling wounds). The frequency ofS. sanguinolentuminfection correlated positively with the age of the injury (r=0.27; p=0.001) and the opposite relationship was revealed forC. evolvens(r=−0.30; p=0.0001). Furthermore,C. evolvensinfection correlated positively with the wound size (r=0.30; p=0.0001) and negatively with the tree d.b.h. (r=−0.20; p=0.004). A positive correlation was found between tree d. b. h. and the occurrence in stems ofH. annosum(r=0.23; p=0.001 andN. fuckeliana(r=0.23; p=0.0006). The spruce bark beetleDendroctonus micansattacked 14.8 of wounded trees. Presence in stems ofN. fuckelianawas associated significantly with theD. micansattack (r=0.190; p =0.006; χ2test: p=0.01). Except for a negative correlation between infections ofS. sanguinolentumandH. annosum(r=‐0.140; p=0.04), no significant relationship between fu
机译:摘要在三个 45-50 年生的林分中检查了总共 210 棵因驼鹿 (Alces alces) 树皮剥落而造成树干伤口的挪威云杉树,这些林分占受损树木的 20-30%。受伤的茎在胸高(d.b.h.)处直径在8至40厘米之间,并显示出1至23年的伤口。伤口大小从 2 到 4815 cm2 不等。损伤大小与损伤年龄呈负相关(r=‐0.24;p=0.004),损伤年龄与损伤树的d.b.h.呈正相关(r=0.50;p=0.0001)。使用增量蛀虫对每个伤口进行一次采样,并分离真菌。担子菌中,血霉菌(Stereum sanguinolentum)最常见(从26.7%的受损茎中分离出)。其他常见种有圆柱基底草(23.8%)、乳晕桔梗(5.2%)、毛芹(0.5%)、异鳞(5.2%)、Peni‐ophorapithya(1.4%)、Sistotrema brinkmannii(1.0%)。子囊菌Nectria fuckeliana是所有真菌中最常见的(存在于35.7%的树皮脱皮伤口中)。S的频率。血芸螨感染与损伤年龄呈正相关(r=0.27;p=0.001),C呈相反关系。进化(r=−0.30;p=0.0001)。此外,进化衣原体感染与伤口大小呈正相关(r=0.30;p=0.0001),与树d.b.h.呈负相关(r=−0.20;p=0.004)。果树d.b.h.与茎秆中H的发生呈正相关。annosum(r=0.23; p=0.001 andN.fuckeliana(r=0.23;p=0.0006)。云杉树皮甲虫Dendroctonus micans攻击了14.8%的受伤树木。存在于N的茎中。fuckeliana与D显著相关。MicansAttack (r=0.190;p =0.006;χ2test: p=0.01)。除了感染之间的负相关。sanguinolentumandH.Annosum(r=‐0.140;p=0.04),Fu 之间无显著关系




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