首页> 外文期刊>Archives of Hand and Microsurgery >Comparison of Palmaris Longus Tendon Graft and Extensor Indicis Proprius Tendon Transfer for Reconstruction of the Extensor Pollicis Longus Tendon

Comparison of Palmaris Longus Tendon Graft and Extensor Indicis Proprius Tendon Transfer for Reconstruction of the Extensor Pollicis Longus Tendon


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Purpose To compare the results of reconstruction of extensor pollicis longus tendon treated by palmaris longus tendon graft and extensor indicis proprius tendon transfer. Methods Authors have performed reconstruction of the delayed 27 cases of the ruptured extensor pollicis longus tendon from March 2006 through February 2016 at Jeju National University Hospital with either palmaris longus tendon graft or extensor indicis proprius tendon transfer. Out of 27 patients, 12 patients were treated by palmaris longus tendon graft and 15 patients were treated by extensor indicis proprius tendon transfer. Postoperatively thumbs were immobilized with thumb spica short arm splint in extension and abduction position for 4 weeks. Active and passive exercise of the thumb with extension and abduction was recommended. The functions of the thumbs were assessed by the Riddell's classification and statistically compared. Results At average 21.7 months follow-up, 13 cases (48.1) were excellent, 11 cases (40.7) were good, and 3 cases (11.1) were fair according to the functional evaluation of Riddell. No significant differences were noted between two groups except the operation time. Conclusion Ruptured extensor pollicis longus tendon could be reconstructed with palmaris longus tendon graft or extensor indicis proprius tendon transfer and final functional outcome could be good in long-term follow-up.
机译:目的 比较掌长肌腱移植术和禄长伸肌腱移植术的重构效果。方法 作者对2006年3月至2016年2月在济州大学医院进行的27例拇长伸肌肌腱断裂的晚期重建手术,行手掌长肌腱移植术或固有伸肌腱移植术。27例患者中,12例行掌长肌腱移植术,15例行盼伸肌固有肌腱移植术。术后拇指用拇指短臂夹板固定,伸展外展位4周。建议主动和被动地练习拇指,包括伸展和外展。拇指的功能通过Riddell分类法进行评估,并进行了统计学比较。结果 平均随访21.7个月,13例(48.1%)为优秀,11例(40.7%)为良好,3例(11.1%)为一般。除手术时间外,两组间差异无统计学意义。结论 拇长伸肌断裂肌腱可采用掌长肌腱移植术或本有窦伸肌腱移植术重建,长期随访可较好最终功能结局。




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