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Synthesis of fullerene-like particles during fullerene extraction from shungite


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Shungites (Sh) are the black Precambrian rocks of Karelia (Russia) where the first natural occurrence of fullerenes was found. The presence of C_60 and C_70 in Sh-1 (concentration of carbon up to 92-98 wt.) 1 and in Sh-3 25-40 wt. carbon) 2 has been demonstrated. The discrepancy between Sh-1 and Sh-3 consists in their abundance. Sh-3 is among the most abundant carbon-rich rocks, and occupies thousands of square kilometers in Karelia, whereas Sh-1 is a more limited rock and is unique. Shungite carbon (C_Sh) is characterised by a fraction of closed shells consisting of graphite-like layers and of carbon black as aggregates of various carbons clusters 3. The presence of hollow closed shells led to the proposal of a fullerene-like model of C_Sh 4,5, where the globule is the unit of the structure. According to such a model, globules of C_Sh can be seen as aggregates of giant multilayer fullerenes 6. It this model is correct, the problem of fullerene detection will no longer exist. At the same time, fullerene extraction from Sh will be elementary and may be reduced in order to enrich Sh with C_Sh. However, the problem of fullerene extraction from Sh exists and is intimately bound to the difficulties of fullerene separation and its detection.
机译:Shungites (Sh) 是卡累利阿(俄罗斯)的黑色前寒武纪岩石,在那里发现了第一个天然存在的富勒烯。在Sh-1(碳浓度高达92-98 wt.%)[1]和Sh-3 25-40 wt.%碳)[2]中存在C_60和C_70。Sh-1 和 Sh-3 之间的差异在于它们的丰度。Sh-3 是最丰富的富含碳的岩石之一,在卡累利阿占地数千平方公里,而 Sh-1 是一种更有限的岩石,是独一无二的。钨矿碳(C_Sh)的特征是一小部分封闭壳,由类石墨层和炭黑组成,是各种碳簇的聚集体[3]。空心闭合壳的存在导致了类似富勒烯的C_Sh模型的提出[4,5],其中小球是结构的单位。根据这样的模型,C_Sh球可以看作是巨大的多层富勒烯的聚集体[6]。如果这个模型是正确的,富勒烯检测的问题将不复存在。同时,从Sh中提取的富勒烯将是基本的,并且可以减少以用C_Sh富集Sh。然而,从Sh中提取富勒烯的问题存在,并且与富勒烯分离及其检测的困难密切相关。




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