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Prevention of Neural-Tube Defects With Folic Acid in China




It is clear that women who take multivitamins that include folic acid lower their risk of having an infant with a neural tube defect (NTD). As part of a public health campaign carried out in the mid-1990s in China, pregnancy outcomes were examined when women were asked to take a pill containing 400 mgr;g of folic acid daily from the time of the premarital examination to the end of the first trimester. The study focused on two regions, one with high and one with low rates of NTDs. In all, NTDs were sought in the fetuses or infants of 130,142 women who took folic acid any time before or during pregnancy and in 117,689 others whose mothers had no taken folic acid at all.A total of 102 NTDs were found when folic acid had been taken, and 173 were found when women did not take folic acid. For fetuses or infants of women who registered before their last menses and did not take any folic acid, NTDs occurred at a rate of 4.8 per 1000 pregnancies (of 20 weeks’ or more gestation) in the high-NTD area and 1.0 per 1000 in the low-NTD region. The rates when women used folic acid periconceptionally were 1.0 and 0.6 per 1000 pregnancies, respectively. The risk of an NTD was lowered the most, 85 percent, for offspring of women in the high-NTD region who took more than 80 percent of their folic acid pills. In the low-NTD area, the risk reduction was 40 percent. The rates of NTD were 0.7 and 0.6 per 1000 pregnancies, respectively. In the high-risk region, the chance of an NTD was half of that for offspring of women who were compliant no more than 80 percent of the time.The implication of the results of this survey is that the intake of 400 mgr;g of folic acid daily during the periconceptional period can lower the risk of NTDs regardless of whether the risk level in a given geographic area is high or low.N Engl J Med 1999;341:1485–1490
机译:很明显,服用含有叶酸的多种维生素的女性可以降低婴儿患有神经管缺陷 (NTD) 的风险。作为1990年代中期在中国开展的一项公共卫生运动的一部分,当要求妇女从婚前检查到孕早期结束时每天服用含有400毫克叶酸的药丸时,对妊娠结局进行了检查。该研究重点关注两个地区,一个是被忽视的热带病高发地区,一个是被忽视的热带病发病率低的地区。总而言之,在怀孕前或怀孕期间任何时候服用叶酸的130,142名妇女的胎儿或婴儿以及117,689名母亲根本没有服用叶酸的妇女中,都发现了被忽视的热带病。服用叶酸时共发现102例被忽视的热带病,女性不服用叶酸时发现173例被忽视的热带病。对于在最后一次月经前登记且未服用任何叶酸的妇女的胎儿或婴儿,NTD高热带病地区为每1000例妊娠(妊娠20周或以上)4.8例,NTD低热带病地区为每1000例1.0例。妇女在围孕期使用叶酸的比率分别为每1000次妊娠1.0例和0.6例。NTD高发地区女性的后代患NTD的风险降低最多,为85%,这些女性服用了超过80%的叶酸药丸。在被忽视的热带病低地区,风险降低了40%。被忽视的热带病的发生率分别为每1000例妊娠0.7例和0.6例。在高风险地区,被忽视的热带病的几率是依从性不超过80%的女性后代的一半。这项调查的结果意味着,在围孕期每天摄入 400 毫克的叶酸可以降低被忽视的热带病的风险,无论特定地理区域的风险水平是高还是低。N Engl J Med 1999;341:1485–1490




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