
Bill and Melinda Gates honored with Lasker-Bloomberg Public Service Award


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The 2013 Lasker-Bloomberg Award for Public Service recognizes the extraordinary impact made by Bill and Melinda Gates toward improving global public health through the work of their foundation. Bill Gates made his fortune as one of the giants of the modern computer industry; today he and his wife Melinda may be equally well known for their worldwide work in philanthropy. Founded in 2000, the Bill Melinda Gates Foundation is now the largest private foundation in the U.S. (1). The foundation has provided more than $26 billion in grant funding for all of its programs since inception and in recent years has invested nearly $2 billion annually for global health projects alone (2). What started as a simple desire to help those less fortunate blossomed into a bold organization, willing to take on seemingly insurmountable public health challenges.
机译:2013年拉斯克-布隆伯格公共服务奖旨在表彰比尔·盖茨和梅琳达·盖茨通过其基金会的工作对改善全球公共卫生的非凡影响。比尔·盖茨(Bill Gates)作为现代计算机行业的巨头之一发家致富;今天,他和他的妻子梅琳达(Melinda)可能同样因其在全球慈善事业中的工作而闻名。比尔及梅琳达·盖茨基金会成立于2000年,现在是美国最大的私人基金会(1)。自成立以来,该基金会已为其所有项目提供了超过 260 亿美元的赠款资金,近年来,仅全球卫生项目每年就投资近 20 亿美元 (2)。最初只是一个简单的愿望,即帮助那些不幸的人,后来发展成为一个大胆的组织,愿意承担看似无法克服的公共卫生挑战。




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