首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1 >Regioselective cleavage of aromatic methyl ethers by methanesulphonic acid in the presence of methionine

Regioselective cleavage of aromatic methyl ethers by methanesulphonic acid in the presence of methionine




2288 J.C.S. Perkin IRegioselective Cleavage of Aromatic Methyl Ethers by MethanesulphonicAcid in the Presence of MethionineBy Nobutaka Fujii, Hiroshi Irie, and Haruaki Yajima," Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kyoto University,Kyoto, JapanAddition of methionine as a methyl group acceptor facilitates acidolysis of aromatic methyl ethers such as anisoleand p-methoxytoluene. Veratraldehyde and 4,5-dimethoxyindan-I -one gave isovanillin and 4-hydroxy-5-methoxyindan-I -one, respectively, indicating the usefulness of the reagent for regioselective cleavage.WE have noted previously the formation of S-methyl-methionine bismethanesulphonate salt along withphenol from methionine and methanesulphonic acid inthe presence of anisole. This suggested that themet hanesulphonic acid-met hionine system might beapplicable to the cleavage of aromatic ethers.Treatment of anisole with 1.1 equiv.of methionine and20 equiv. of methanesulphonic acid at room temperatureovernight gave phenol in 54 yield. G.1.c. of an n-hexane extract of the reaction mixture showed that thecleavage proceeded quantitatively . 9-Me t hox ytoluenegave $-cresol in 90 yield in the same manner. T.1.c.showed that both reactions were reasonably fast andclean. When 9-methoxyacetophenone was treated withthe same reagent at room temperature, no 9-hydroxy-acetophenone nor S-methylmethionine salts were detec-ted by t.1.c. Elevation of the reaction temperature (to60 "C) and prolongation of the reaction time (to 72 h)eventually gave 9-hydroxyacetophenone in 30 yield,accompanied by 367; of the starting material.Treatment of veratraldehyde with 1.1 equiv.ofmethionine and 20 equiv. of methanesulphonic acid at50 "C for 24 h furnished isovanillin in SSyO yield. Fur-thermore, 4,5-dimethoxyindan-l-one (1), treated simi-larly, gave 4-hydroxy-5-methoxyindan-l-one (2) in 70yield; the product showed a methoxy-singlet at 6 3.90in its n.m.r. spectrum solvent (CD,),SO. IrradiationOR0(1) R = Me( 2 ) R = Hat the frequency of the methyl signal caused an intra-molecular nuclear Overhauser effect (enhancement 22)on the signal of an aromatic proton responsible for acomponent of the AB-type quartet centred at 8 7.08,confirming that the remaining methoxy-group was atposition 5.These results indicate the usefulness of themethionine-methanesulphonic acid system for regio-selective cleavage of aromatic ethers.Although some sulphides other than methionine mayaccept alkyl groups in this reaction, methionine ispreferable because of its bifunctionality, which makesisolation of the phenolic product (s) convenient.Diethyl ether in the methionine-methanesulphonicacid system gave S-ethylmethionine ethyl ester, charac-terised as its dipicrate salt.EXPERIMENTALM.p.s were determined with a Yanagimoto microscope hot-stage apparatus. N.m.r. spectra were obtained with aVarian HA- 100 spectrometer (tetramethylsilane as internalstandard).Phenol from Anisole.-A mixture of anisole (540 mg,5 mmol), rnethionine (820 mg, 5.5 mniol), and methanesul-phonic acid (6.5 ml, ca.100 mmol) was kept a t room tempera-ture overnight, then thoroughly extracted with n-hexane.The extract was washed with a small amount of brine,dried, and evaporated to leave phenol (280 mg, 54).p-Cresol from p-Methoxyto1uene.-p-Methoxytoluene (243mg) was treated as above; the mixture was diluted withwater, and extracted with ether. The extract was washedwith brine, dried, and evaporated to leave p-cresol (198 mg,p-Hydroxyacetophenone from p-Methoxyacetophen0ne.-p-Methoxyacetophenone (158 mg) was treated with the samereagents a t 60 "C for 72 h to give p-hydroxyacetophenone(43 nig, 30) and starting material (36) by the usualwork- u p .Isovanillin from Veratra1dehyde.-Treatment of vera-traldehyde (330 nig) with niethionine (329 mg) and methane-sulphonic acid (2.6 nil) a t 50 "C for 24 h gave isovanillin(205 mg, 68).4-Hydroxy-5-methoxyindan- l-one (2) .--A mixture of 4,5-dimethoxyindan-l-one ( 1 ) (51 1 mg), methionine (436 mg),H. Irie, N.Fujii. H. Ogawa, H. Yajima, M. Fujino, and S.Shinagawa, .J.C.S. Chem. Comm., 1976, 022; Chem. and Pharm.Bull. ( . f a p a n ) . , in the press.90)1977 2289and methanesulphonic acid ( 3 . 5 ml) was set aside a t 22 'Cfor 72 h, then diluted with ice-water. The precipitate wascrystallised from acetone to give 4-hydroxy-5-methoxyindan-l-one (2) (332 mg, 70y0), m.p. 198-5202" (Found: C , 6 7 . 6 ;H , 5.6. C10H1003 requires C, 6 7 . 4 ; H, 5.7); vmax.(Nujol) 3 300-3 000 (OH) and 1 698 cm-l (CO); 6 (CD3)2-3.90 ( 3 H, s, OMe), 2.95 ( 2 H, t, J 5 Hz, H2-3), and 2.56 ( 2 H ,S-Ethylmethionine Ethyl Ester Dipicrate Salt.-A mixture ofSO 7 . 1 3 ( 1 H, d, J 8 Hz, H - 7 ) , 7 . 0 3 ( 1 H, d, J 8 Hz, H-6),t, J 5 Hz, H2-2).ether ( 1 . 1 ml), methionine (301 mg), and methanesulphonicacid ( 3 ml) was heated under reflux for 24 h and washedthoroughly with ether. The ether-insoluble residue wastaken up in a small amount of water. A saturated solutionof picric acid in water was added, to give S-ethylmethionineethyl ester dipicrate salt (540 mg), m.p. 67-74' (fromethanol) (Found: C, 3 8 . 3 ; H, 4.1; N, 14.6; S, 4.8. C,-H2,N02S,C,H2hT30,,C,H,N,0, requires C, 3 8 . 0 ; H, 3 . 8 ; K,1 4 . 8 ; S, 4.8).7/859 Received, 16th AZuy, 1977
机译:2288 J.C.S. Perkin IRegioselective Cleavage by MethanesulphonicAcid in the Presence of Methionine作者:Nobutaka Fujii、Hiroshi Irie 和 Haruaki Yajima,“京都大学药学系,京都,日本加入蛋氨酸作为甲基受体有助于芳香族甲醚(如苯甲醚和对甲氧基甲苯)的酸解。藜芦醛和4,5-二甲氧基茚满-I-酮分别得到异香兰素和4-羟基-5-甲氧基茚满-I-酮,表明该试剂对区域选择性裂解的有用性。我们之前已经注意到,在苯甲醚存在下,S-甲基-蛋氨酸双甲磺酸盐与蛋氨酸和甲磺酸中的苯酚一起形成。这表明主题羽磺酸-硫氨酸体系可能适用于芳香醚的裂解。在室温下用 1.1 当量的蛋氨酸和 20 当量的甲磺酸处理苯甲醚过夜,苯酚收率为 54%。反应混合物的正己烷提取物的G.1.c.表明裂解是定量进行的。9-Me t hox ytoluene以同样的方式以 90% 的收率给予 $-甲酚。T.1.c.表明两种反应都相当快速和干净。当在室温下用相同的试剂处理9-甲氧基苯乙酮时,t.1.c未检测9-羟基苯乙酮和S-甲基蛋氨酸盐。反应温度升高(至60“C)和延长反应时间(至72 h)最终得到9-羟基苯乙酮,收率为30%,并伴有367;的起始材料。用 1.1 当量的蛋氨酸和 20 当量的甲磺酸在 50“C 下处理藜芦醛 24 小时提供异香兰素,产出 SSyO。4,5-二甲氧基茚满-l-酮(1)的Fur-thermore,以70%的收率得到4-羟基-5-甲氧基茚满-l-酮(2);该产物在其N.M.R.谱图[溶剂(CD,),SO]的6 3.90处显示出甲氧基单线态。辐照OR0(1) R = Me( 2 ) R = Hat 甲基信号的频率对以8 7.08为中心的AB型四重奏组分的芳香族质子的信号产生了分子内核Overhauser效应(增强了22%),证实了剩余的甲氧基位于5.这些结果表明,甲硫氨酸-甲磺酸体系对芳香醚的区域选择性裂解具有实用性。尽管蛋氨酸以外的一些硫化物可以在该反应中接受烷基,但蛋氨酸是优选的,因为它具有双官能团,这使得酚类产物的分离变得方便。蛋氨酸-甲磺酸体系中的乙醚得到S-乙基甲硫氨酸乙酯,其特征为二酸盐。用Yanagimoto显微镜热载台仪测定EXPERIMENTALM.p.s。N.M.R.(英语:N.M.R.)用瓦里安HA-100光谱仪(四甲基硅烷作为内标)获得光谱。苯甲醚的苯酚-苯甲醚(540 mg,5 mmol),rnethionine(820 mg,5.5 mniol)和甲烷磺酸(6.5 ml,约100 mmol)的混合物在室温下保持过夜,然后用正己烷彻底提取。提取液用少量盐水洗涤,干燥,蒸发,留下苯酚(280 mg,54%).对甲氧基to1uene-对甲氧基甲苯(243mg)的对甲酚处理如下;将混合物用水稀释,并用乙醚萃取。将提取物用盐水洗涤,干燥,蒸发,留下对甲酚(198 mg,对甲氧基苯乙酮,对甲氧基苯乙酮(158 mg)用相同的试剂a t 60“C处理72 h,得到对羟基苯乙酮(43 nig,30%)和起始原料(36%)。来自Veratra的异香兰素1dehyde.-用硝硫氨酸(329mg)和甲烷磺酸(2.6nil)处理vera-t-sulphonic acid(330nig)a t 50“C24小时得到异香兰素(205mg,68%).4-羟基-5-甲氧基茚满-l-酮(2).--4,5-二甲氧基茚满-l-酮(1)(51 1mg),蛋氨酸(436mg),H. Irie,N.Fujii的混合物。H. Ogawa, H. Yajima, M. Fujino, and S.Shinagawa, .J.C.S. Chem. Comm., 1976, 022;Chem. 和 Pharm.Bull.( . f a p a n ) 。,在报刊中.90%)1977 2289和甲磺酸(3 . 5 ml)静置22'C72 h,然后用冰水稀释。沉淀物由丙酮结晶,得到4-羟基-5-甲氧基茚满-l-酮(2)(332 mg,70y0),熔点198-5202“(发现:C,6 7 . 6;H,5.6。C10H1003 需要 C, 6 7 .4 ;H,5.7%);vmax。(Nujol)3 300-3 000 (OH)和1 698 cm-l (CO);6 [(CD3)2-3.90 ( 3 H, s, OMe), 2.95 ( 2 H, t, J 5 Hz, H2-3) 和 2.56 ( 2 H ,S-乙基蛋氨酸乙酯二苦酸盐 - SO的混合物] 7 . 1 3 ( 1 H, d, J 8 Hz, H - 7 ) , 7 . 0 3 ( 1 H, d, J 8 Hz, H-6),t, J 5 Hz, H2-2).ether ( 1 . 1 ml), 蛋氨酸(301mg)和甲磺酸(3ml)在回流下加热24小时,并用乙醚彻底洗涤。将乙醚不溶性残留物吸收在少量水中。加入苦味酸在水中的饱和溶液,得到S-乙基蛋氨酸乙酯二苦酸盐(540mg),熔点67-74'(乙醇)(Found: C, 3 8 . 3 ;H,4.1;N,14.6;S,4.8。C,-H2,N02S,C,H2hT30,,C,H,N,0,需要C,3 8 .0 ;H, 3 .8 ;K,1 4 .8 ;S,4.8%)。[7/859 收稿日期,1977年第16届




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