首页> 外文期刊>Chemistry of Materials: A Publication of the American Chemistry Society >Composition Dependence of the Photochemical reduction of Ag by Ba_(1-X)Sr_xTiO3

Composition Dependence of the Photochemical reduction of Ag by Ba_(1-X)Sr_xTiO3


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Ba_(1-x)Sr_xTiO3 solid solutions with x = 0-1 were used to photochemically reduce aqueous Ag~+ to Ag~0. The reduction of Ag on BaTiO3 is spatially selective and correlated to the locations of positive ferroelectric domains. On SrTiO3, silver reduction is spatially uniform. As strontium is added to BaTiO3, there is a continuous change from spatially localized to uniform reactivity that is complete at x > 0.27. The relative heights of the silver deposits, as measured by atomic force microscopy, were used to quantify the relative reactivities. A local maximum in the reactivity is observed at x = 0.26, which is near the cubic-tetragonal phase boundary. The change from spatially selective to spatially uniform reactivity is associated with decreased polarization as the strontium concentration increases. The local maximum in reactivity near the phase boundary is associated with an anomalously high dielectric constant at this composition that enlarges the space-charge region. The results are consistent with the idea that the width of the space-charge region is an important factor in determining the photochemical reactivity.
机译:采用Ba_(1-x)Sr_xTiO3 x = 0-1的固溶体,将水溶液Ag~+光化学还原为Ag~0。BaTiO3上Ag的还原具有空间选择性,并且与正铁电畴的位置相关。在SrTiO3上,银还原在空间上是均匀的。当锶被添加到 BaTiO3 中时,从空间定位到均匀反应性的连续变化在 x > 0.27 时完成。通过原子力显微镜测量的银沉积物的相对高度用于量化相对反应性。在 x = 0.26 处观察到反应性的局部最大值,该值接近三次-四方相边界。随着锶浓度的增加,从空间选择性到空间均匀反应性的变化与偏振降低有关。相边界附近的局部最大反应性与该组合物的异常高介电常数有关,该介电常数扩大了空间电荷区域。结果与空间电荷区的宽度是决定光化学反应性的重要因素的观点一致。




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