首页> 外文期刊>journal of school health >Sexuality Education Instructional Techniques: Teacher Usage and Student Preference

Sexuality Education Instructional Techniques: Teacher Usage and Student Preference




ABSTRACTThis paper identifies instructional techniques utilized by 89 secondary school teachers and those preferred by 334 secondary school students when 20 sexuality education topics are taught in the classroom. Instructional techniques most often utilized by teachers and preferred by students include large group discussion, educational media, guest speakers, case study, lecture, small group work, and role play. The findings indicate that large group discussion was most often employed by teachers and preferred by students when teaching social and emotional aspects of sexuality such as self‐awareness, feelings and emotions, building relationships, and communicating with others. Educational media and guest speakers were the instructional techniques used and preferred to address some of the physiological aspects of sexuality such as reproductive systems, conception, childbirth, and birth control. Significant differences using the chi‐square test of independence were found between teacher and student responses for 16 of the 20 top
机译:摘要本文确定了 89 名中学教师和 334 名中学生在课堂上教授 20 个性教育主题时首选的教学技巧。教师最常使用和学生首选的教学技巧包括大型小组讨论、教育媒体、演讲嘉宾、案例研究、讲座、小组工作和角色扮演。研究结果表明,在教授性行为的社会和情感方面(如自我意识、感受和情绪、建立关系以及与他人沟通)时,教师最常采用大型小组讨论,并且学生更喜欢这种讨论。教育媒体和演讲嘉宾是用于解决性行为的一些生理方面的教学技术,例如生殖系统、受孕、分娩和节育。使用独立性卡方检验发现,教师和学生在前 20 名中的 16 名的反应之间存在显着差异




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