首页> 外文期刊>Journal of developmental and physical disabilities >Transitioning Preschool Children With Developmental Concerns Into Kindergarten:Ecological Characteristics of Inclusive Kindergarten Programs

Transitioning Preschool Children With Developmental Concerns Into Kindergarten:Ecological Characteristics of Inclusive Kindergarten Programs


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The purpose of this paper is to provide the background for Project Pre-K: Transitioning Preschool Children with Developmental Concerns to Kindergarten, and discuss the ecological characteristics of inclusive kindergarten programs. Data were collected in 11 inclusive kindergarten pro grams in one urban county in southwestern Ohio using the Kindergarten Visit Checklist and field notes. Ecological characteristics observed included seating routines, group activities, seat work, curriculum, expectations of the child, and evidence of special services provided. Results indicated that the inclusive kindergarten programs observed were organized with a contemporary, elementary school program orientation (table work, teacher directed, assigned activities, use of workbooks and skill sheets, limited choice time, etc.). Implications of these results for children with developmental concerns transitioning from preschool to kindergarten are discussed.
机译:本文的目的是为学前班项目提供背景:将有发展问题的学龄前儿童过渡到幼儿园,并讨论全纳幼儿园项目的生态特征。使用幼儿园访问清单和现场笔记在俄亥俄州西南部一个城市县的 11 个包容性幼儿园项目中收集数据。观察到的生态特征包括座位常规、小组活动、座位工作、课程、对儿童的期望以及提供特殊服务的证据。结果表明,观察到的包容性幼儿园项目是以当代小学项目为导向(餐桌工作、教师指导、分配的活动、使用工作簿和技能表、有限的选择时间等)组织的。讨论了这些结果对从学前班过渡到幼儿园的发育问题儿童的影响。




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