首页> 外文期刊>Palaontologische Zeitschrift >Fish otoliths from the Konkian (Miocene, early Serravallian) of Mangyshlak (Kazakhstan): testimony to an early endemic evolution in the Eastern Paratethys

Fish otoliths from the Konkian (Miocene, early Serravallian) of Mangyshlak (Kazakhstan): testimony to an early endemic evolution in the Eastern Paratethys




Reconstruction of fossil teleost faunas can provide important information on palaeoenvironments, palaeogeography and evolution, and otoliths are particularly useful for that purpose. Here we present an otolith-based fish fauna from the middle Miocene of the Eastern Paratethys, i.e. the Karagaily section of the Mangyshlak Peninsula in Western Kazakhstan, and report on the accompanying nannoplankton, foraminifera, molluscs and ostracods. A total of 30 teleost species are described and figured, including ten new species: Alosa paulicrenata n.sp., Morone? bannikovi n.sp., Centracanthus pobedinae n.sp., Genyonemus? karagiensis n.sp., Trewasciaena suzini n.sp., Parablennius prokofievi n.sp., Aphia djafarovae n.sp., Neogobius udovichenkoi n.sp., Ponticola zosimovichi n.sp., Pomatoschistus bunyatovi n.sp. Nannoplankton and gastropods indicate a Konkian (late Badenian, early Serravallian) age for this fish assemblage. The dominance of Gadidae and Gobiidae, together with the composition of the nannoplankton, indicates an inner-neritic to coastal environment with high productivity. The Konkian fish fauna of the Eastern Paratethys shows a high degree of autonomy relative to approximately contemporaneous fish faunas from the Central Paratethys and other European basins. This confirms that the Konkian was a time of limited faunal exchange between the Central and Eastern Paratethys, while a marine connection may have persisted between the Central Paratethys and the northern Mediterranean. We conclude that the fish fauna reported here records an early endemic development in the Eastern Paratethys during the middle Miocene (Konkian). The disappearance of Bregmacerotidae and Gonostomatidae (Bonapartia) during the preceding stage of the Karaganian and the first appearance of Palimphemus minusculoides in the Konkian are important biostratigraphical markers.
机译:硬骨动物群化石的重建可以提供有关古环境、古地理学和进化的重要信息,耳石对此特别有用。在这里,我们介绍了来自东帕拉提斯中新世中新世的耳石鱼类动物群,即哈萨克斯坦西部曼吉什拉克半岛的卡拉盖伊里部分,并报告了伴随的纳米浮游生物、有孔虫、软体动物和鸵鸟。共描述和绘制了30个硬骨物种,包括10个新物种:Alosa paulicrenata n.sp.,Morone?bannikovi n.sp., Centracanthus pobedinae n.sp., Genyonemus?karagiensis n.sp., Trewasciaena suzini n.sp., Parablennius prokofievi n.sp., Aphia djafarovae n.sp., Neogobius udovichenkoi n.sp., Ponticola zosimovichi n.sp., Pomatoschistus bunyatovi n.sp.浮游生物和腹足类动物表明了这种鱼类组合的Konkian(晚期巴登纪,早期Serravallian)年龄。鲶科和虾虎鱼科的优势,加上浮游纳米生物的组成,表明其内部环境与沿海环境具有较高的生产力。东帕拉提斯的康基亚鱼类区系相对于中帕拉提斯和其他欧洲盆地的大约同时期的鱼类区系表现出高度的自主性。这证实了Konkian是中帕拉提斯和东帕拉提斯之间动物交流有限的时期,而中帕拉提斯和地中海北部之间可能一直存在海上联系。我们得出的结论是,这里报告的鱼类区系记录了中新世中期(Konkian)东部Paratethys的早期地方性发展。Bregmacerotidae 和 Gonostomatidae (Bonapartia) 在卡拉加纪前期的消失以及 Palimphemus minusculoides 在 Konkian 的首次出现是重要的生物地层学标志。




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