首页> 外文期刊>European Journal of Forest Pathology >Occurrence of Persian (English) walnut blight and its control in the nursery

Occurrence of Persian (English) walnut blight and its control in the nursery




SummaryObservations carried out over several years in walnut nurseries in Italy revealed bacterial walnut blight, induced byXanthomonas campestrispv.juglandis, to be the most harmful disease; 4 years of field trials were performed. Infection level was shown to be related to the inter‐row distances. The inter‐row distances 0.6, 0.8, 1.0, and 1.4 m were tested. The 1.4‐m distance resulted in the best control of bacterial spread, even under high inoculum pressure due to artificial inoculations. Foliage flush was the stage most vulnerable to bacterial infection. Chemical control with Bordeaux mixture and mancozeb was tested, but only Bordeaux mixture showed some effect. Two copper treatments, at the beginning and at the end of the vegetative period, can be recommended for those areas that are heavily infested with X. c. pv.jugl
机译:摘要在意大利的核桃苗圃中进行了数年的观察,发现由黄单胞菌(Xanthomonas campestrispv.juglandis)引起的细菌性核桃枯萎病是最有害的疾病;进行了 4 年的现场试验。感染水平与行间距离有关。测试了 0.6、0.8、1.0 和 1.4 m 的行间距离。1.4 米的距离可以最好地控制细菌传播,即使在人工接种导致的高接种压力下也是如此。叶子冲洗是最容易受到细菌感染的阶段。测试了波尔多混合物和代森锰锌的化学控制,但只有波尔多混合物显示出一些效果。在营养期的开始和结束时,可以推荐两种铜处理,用于那些严重感染 X. c. pv.jugl 的地区




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