首页> 外文期刊>Molecular biology and evolution >Kinesin-Related Genes from Diplomonad, Sponge, Amphioxus, and Cyclostomes: Divergence Pattern of Kinesin Family and Evolution of Giardial Membrane-Bounded Organella

Kinesin-Related Genes from Diplomonad, Sponge, Amphioxus, and Cyclostomes: Divergence Pattern of Kinesin Family and Evolution of Giardial Membrane-Bounded Organella


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To understand the question of whether divergence of eukaryotic genes by gene duplications and domain shufflings proceeded gradually or intermittently during evolution, we have cloned and sequenced Giardia lamblia cDNAs encoding kinesins and kinesin-related proteins and have obtained 13 kinesin-related cDNAs, some of which are likely homologs of vertebrate kinesins involved in vesicle transfer to Er, Golgi, and plasma membrane. A phylogenetic tree of the kinesin family revealed that most gene duplications that gave rise of different kinesin subfamilies with distinct functions have been completed before the earliest divergence of extant eukaryotes. This suggests that the complex endomembrane system has arisen very early in eukaryotic evolution, and the diminutive ER and Golgi apparatus recognized in the giardial cells, together with the absence of mitochondria, might be characters acquired secondarily during the evolution of parasitism. To understand the divergence pattern of the kinesin family in the lineage leading to vertebrates, seven more Unc104-related cDNAs have been cloned from sponge, amphioxus, hagfish, and lamprey. The divergence pattern of the animal Unc104/KIF1 subfamily is characterized by two active periods in gene duplication interrupted by a considerably long period of silence, instead of proceeding gradually: animals underwent extensive gene duplications before the parazoan-eumetazoan split. In the early evolution of vertebrates around the cyclostome-gnathostome split, further gene duplications occurred, by which a variety of genes with similar structures over the entire regions were generated. This pattern of divergence is similar to those of animal genes involved in cell-cell communication and developmental control.
机译:为了理解真核基因在进化过程中通过基因复制和结构域洗牌是逐渐还是间歇性地进行的问题,我们对编码驱动蛋白和驱动蛋白相关蛋白的蓝氏贾第鞭毛虫 cDNA 进行了克隆和测序,并获得了 13 个驱动蛋白相关 cDNA,其中一些可能是参与囊泡转移到 Er 的脊椎动物驱动蛋白的同源物, 高尔基体和质膜。驱动蛋白家族的系统发育树显示,在现存真核生物最早分化之前,大多数产生具有不同功能的不同驱动蛋白亚家族的基因复制已经完成。这表明复杂的内膜系统在真核生物进化的早期就已经出现,在贾第虫细胞中发现的小型内质网和高尔基体,加上线粒体的缺失,可能是在寄生进化过程中次要获得的特征。为了了解驱动蛋白家族在导致脊椎动物的谱系中的分化模式,已经从海绵、两栖动物、盲鳗和七鳃鳗中克隆了另外七个与 Unc104 相关的 cDNA。动物 Unc104/KIF1 亚家族的分化模式的特征是基因复制的两个活跃期被相当长的沉默期打断,而不是逐渐进行:动物在副动物-真后生动物分裂之前经历了广泛的基因复制。在脊椎动物围绕环口-颌骨分裂的早期进化中,发生了进一步的基因复制,从而产生了在整个区域具有相似结构的各种基因。这种分化模式类似于参与细胞间通讯和发育控制的动物基因。




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