
Subsea: the final frontier


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In their continued search for new oil fields developers are looking to deeper and deeper waters. As Sean Davies discovers, Shell's new Perdido platform is pushing the engineering boundaries further than ever before. AS THE traditional oil wells begin to run dry, oil companies are looking to ever more inhospitable locations to extract oil, and there can't be many locations more challenging than 8,000ft (2,438m) under the sea. That is the challenge facing Shell engineers at the Perdido oilfield in the Gulf of Mexico Located about 200 miles from Houston in an isolated sector of the western Gulf of Mexico, Perdido will be the world's deepest oil and gas drilling and production facility when it comes online in early 2010. The facility is capable of handling 100,000 barrels of oil and 200,000 cubic feet of gas per day.
机译:在继续寻找新的油田的过程中,开发商正在寻求越来越深的水域。正如肖恩·戴维斯(Sean Davies)所发现的那样,壳牌的新Perdido平台正在比以往任何时候都更进一步地推动工程界限。随着传统油井开始干涸,石油公司正在寻找更荒凉的地方来开采石油,没有比海底 8,000 英尺(2,438 米)更具挑战性的地方了。这是壳牌工程师在墨西哥湾Perdido油田面临的挑战 Perdido位于墨西哥湾西部的一个偏僻地区,距离休斯顿约200英里,2010年初上线时,Perdido将成为世界上最深的石油和天然气钻探和生产设施。该设施每天能够处理 100,000 桶石油和 200,000 立方英尺天然气。




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