首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Comparative Neurology >Projections from cortical visual areas 17, 18, and MT onto the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus in owl monkeys

Projections from cortical visual areas 17, 18, and MT onto the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus in owl monkeys

机译:从皮质视觉区域 17、18 和 MT 投射到猫头鹰猴的背侧膝状核



AbstractProjections from cortical visual Areas 17, 18, and MT to the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus of owl monkeys were revealed by the use of the autoradi‐ographic tracing method. Restricted injections of H‐proline into Area 17 resulted in dense columns of labeled tissue extending through all layers of the nucleus and roughly perpendicular to the layers. There was some lateral spread of the label in the interlaminar zones. Projections from Areas 18 and MT were distributed over the ventral layers of the nucleus including the magnocellular layers, layer S, and the adjoining interlaminar zones. The input from Area 18 was relatively sparse. The projections from all three cortical visual areas appear to connect hornotopic locations in the geniculate and cortical representations of the visual fi
机译:摘要采用自体放射示踪法揭示了猫头鹰猴皮质视觉区17、18和MT到背侧膝状核的投影。限制性地将H-脯氨酸注射到17区,导致致密的标记组织柱延伸到细胞核的所有层,并且大致垂直于这些层。标签在层间区域有一些横向扩散。区域 18 和 MT 的投影分布在细胞核的腹侧层,包括大细胞层、S 层和相邻的层间区。来自18区的输入相对稀少。来自所有三个皮质视觉区域的投影似乎连接了视觉纤维的膝状和皮质表征中的荷座位置




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