首页> 外文期刊>Chemistry of Materials: A Publication of the American Chemistry Society >Structure and Properties of Sr_(1-x)Ca_x:Mn_(0.5)Ru_(0.5)O3 Perovskites: Using Chemical Pressure to Control Mn/Ru Mixed Valency

Structure and Properties of Sr_(1-x)Ca_x:Mn_(0.5)Ru_(0.5)O3 Perovskites: Using Chemical Pressure to Control Mn/Ru Mixed Valency


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The structure and properties of Sr_(1-x)Ca_xRu_(0.5)Mn_(0.5)O3 compositions have been investigated. Both bond distances and X-ray absorption measurements reveal Mn~(3+) + Ru~(5+) Mn~(4+) + Ru~(4+) mixed valency across the entire series. Despite a complete lack of Ru/Mn chemical order, all samples magnetically order between 220 and 300 K. The characteristics and type of magnetic order are sensitive to the occupation and ordering of the Mn e_g orbitals, which can be manipulated by changes in chemical pressure, via the Sr/Ca ratio. Sr-rich samples are tetragonally distorted by a cooperative Jahn—Teller distortion (CJTD) that leads to an elongation of the c-axis as well as antiphase rotations of the octahedra about the c-axis (a~0a~0c~- tilt system). The CJTD results from orbital ordering involving occupied d_(z~2) orbitals on Mn~(3+), which stabilize C-type antiferromagnetic order. For Sr-rich samples, the various oxidation states contribute in approximately equal proportions (i.e., Ru~(4.5) and Mn~(3.5)). Substituting Ca~(2+) for Sr~(2+) triggers additional rotations of the octahedra (a~-b~+a~- tilt system) that result in orthorhombic symmetry for Sr_(1-x)Ca_xMn_(0.5)Ru_(0.5)O3 samples with x ≥ 0.3. The crossover to orthorhombic symmetry is accompanied by the loss of orbital order and the emergence of an itinerant electron ferrimagnetic state. X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) measurements show that as the Ca~(2+) content increases there is a shift in the valence degeneracy toward Mn~(4+) + Ru~(4+). This helps to explain the absence of orbital ordering in Ca-rich samples, as well as the crossover from antiferromagnetism to ferrimagnetism. Neutron diffraction and ac susceptibility measurements show that CaRu_(0.5)Mn_(0.5)O3 undergoes magnetic phase separation into a disordered ferrimagnetic state (T_C ≈ 230 K) and a G-type antiferromagnetic state (T_N ≈ 95 K).
机译:研究了Sr_(1-x)Ca_xRu_(0.5)Mn_(0.5)O3组合物的结构和性质.键长和X射线吸收测量结果均显示Mn~(3+)+Ru~(5+) Mn~(4+) + Ru~(4+)混合化合价。尽管完全没有 Ru/Mn 化学顺序,但所有样品的磁序都在 220 到 300 K 之间。磁序的特征和类型对Mn e_g轨道的占据和有序很敏感,可以通过化学压力的变化通过Sr/Ca比来操纵。富含锶的样品被协同 Jahn-Teller 畸变 (CJTD) 四方畸变,导致 c 轴伸长以及八面体绕 c 轴的反相旋转(a~0a~0c~- 倾斜系统)。CJTD是由Mn~(3+)上占据d_(z~2)轨道的轨道有序产生的,稳定了C型反铁磁有序。对于富含锶的样品,各种氧化态的贡献比例大致相等(即Ru~(4.5)和Mn~(3.5))。用 Ca~(2+) 代替 Sr~(2+) 会触发八面体的额外旋转 (a~-b~+a~- 倾斜系统),从而导致 x ≥ 0.3 的 Sr_(1-x)Ca_xMn_(0.5)Ru_(0.5)O3 样品的正交对称性。与正交对称性的交叉伴随着轨道秩序的丧失和巡回电子亚铁磁态的出现。X射线吸收近边缘结构(XANES)测量表明,随着Ca~(2+)含量的增加,价简并性向Mn~(4+)+Ru~(4+)转变。这有助于解释富钙样品中不存在轨道有序,以及从反铁磁性到亚铁磁性的交叉。中子衍射和交流磁化率测量表明,CaRu_(0.5)Mn_(0.5)O3发生磁相分离,分为无序亚铁磁态(T_C ≈ 230 K)和G型反铁磁态(T_N ≈ 95 K)。




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