首页> 外文期刊>Weed technology: A journal of the Weed Science Society of America >Reduced-input, postemergence weed control with glyphosate and residual herbicides in second-generation glyphosate-resistant cotton.

Reduced-input, postemergence weed control with glyphosate and residual herbicides in second-generation glyphosate-resistant cotton.


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Field studies were conducted in 2004 and 2005 to evaluate weed control following post-emergence (POST) applications of glyphosate in combination with either S-metolachlor (premix formulation), pyrithiobac, or trifloxysulfuron in conjunction with glyphosate in second-generation glyphosate-resistant cotton (Roundup Ready Flex). These herbicides were applied in combination with glyphosate in a two-application programme at the 2-leaf (LF) (followed by glyphosate alone at the 10-LF growth stage), 6-LF (following glyphosate alone at the 2-LF growth stage), or 10-LF (following glyphosate alone at the 2-LF growth stage) cotton growth stages. No differences in weed control between residual herbicide were observed for goosegrass (Eleusine indica), hemp sesbania (Sesbania exaltata), Johnsongrass (Sorghum halepense), Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri), redroot pigweed (Amaranthus retroflexus), sicklepod (Cassia obtusifolia), or smellmelon. The optimum control of barnyardgrass (Echinochloa crus-galli) and browntop millet (Brachiaria ramosa) was achieved with glyphosate plus S-metolachlor. No differences were observed among the application timings for control of goosegrass, hemp sesbania, Johnsongrass, pitted morningglory (Ipomoea lacunosa), and smellmelon. The control of barnyardgrass, browntop millet, Palmer amaranth, redroot pigweed, and sicklepod was optimized with residual herbicide application at the 2- or 10-LF timing. No yield differences were observed between the residual herbicides, and seed cotton yield averaged 2800 kg/ha. The yield was maximized when the residual herbicide was applied at the 2- or 10-LF growth stage (2960-2730 kg/ha). Analysis based on numerical yield at particular residual-herbicide application timings and calculated yield for each timing based on the percentage of a standard three-application glyphosate programme indicated the most consistent residual-herbicide timing for optimizing yield in a reduced-input Roundup Ready Flex weed-control programme occurred at the two-leaf growth stage. All the reduced-input programmes, however, resulted in cotton yield of at least 93 of that obtained with the standard programme.
机译:2004 年和 2005 年进行了实地研究,以评估在第二代抗草甘膦棉花 (Roundup Ready Flex) 中将草甘膦与 S-异丙甲草胺(预混配方)、吡硫膦或三氟氧基磺隆与草甘膦联合施用后的杂草控制。这些除草剂与草甘膦联合施用,在2叶(LF)(随后在10-LF生长阶段单独使用草甘膦)、6-LF(在2-LF生长阶段单独使用草甘膦)或10-LF(在2-LF生长阶段单独使用草甘膦)棉花生长阶段。在鹅草(Eleusine indica)、大麻(Sesbania exaltata)、约翰逊草(Sorghum halepense)、棕榈苋(Amaranthus palmeri)、红根猪草(Amaranthus retroflexus)、镰刀类(Cassia obtusifolia)或香瓜的残留除草剂控制方面没有观察到差异。草甘膦加S-异丙甲草胺对稗草(Echinochloa crus-galli)和褐顶粟(Brachiaria ramosa)的控制效果最佳。在控制鹅草、大麻、约翰逊草、去核牵牛花(Ipomoea lacunosa)和气味瓜的施用时间之间没有观察到差异。对稗草、褐顶小米、棕榈苋菜、红根猪草和镰刀荚的防治在2-或10-LF时间用残留除草剂进行优化。残留除草剂之间没有产量差异,籽棉平均产量为2800公斤/公顷。在2-LF或10-LF生长阶段(2960-2730 kg/ha)施用残留除草剂时,产量最大化。基于特定残留除草剂施用时间的数值产量和基于标准三次施用草甘膦方案百分比计算的每次施用时间的产量的分析表明,在减少投入的 Roundup Ready Flex 杂草控制方案中,用于优化产量的最一致的残留除草剂时机发生在两叶生长阶段。然而,所有减少投入的方案都使棉花产量至少达到标准方案的93%。




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