首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer >Coherent thermal emission by microstructured waveguides

Coherent thermal emission by microstructured waveguides


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Following Greffet et al. Coherent emission of light by thermal sources. Nature 2002;416:61-4, we study in this article, the possibility to engineer thermal coherent sources with waveguides. The idea is to rule a grating on a waveguide made of a slice of germanium deposited on a participating media such as glass. The guided waves, thermally excited are coupled to the far field by the grating and increase the system emissivity in certain directions and wavelengths. We numerically compute the diffraction of a plane wave by the grating by a rigorous coupled waves algorithm (RCWA). The reflected, transmitted and absorbed energy calculated allows to obtain the system emissivity by means of the Kirchhoff law. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:继 Greffet 等人 [热源的相干光发射。自然 2002;416:61-4],我们在本文中研究了用波导设计热相干源的可能性。这个想法是在波导上设置一个光栅,波导由沉积在参与介质(如玻璃)上的一片锗制成。热激发的导波通过光栅耦合到远场,并增加系统在某些方向和波长上的发射率。我们通过严格的耦合波算法(RCWA)数值计算了光栅平面波的衍射。计算出的反射、透射和吸收能量允许通过基尔霍夫定律获得系统发射率。(c) 2006 爱思唯尔有限公司保留所有权利。




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