首页> 外文期刊>Transportation research, Part A. Policy and practice >Design policies for sight distance at stop-controlled intersections based on gap acceptance

Design policies for sight distance at stop-controlled intersections based on gap acceptance


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The current AASHTO policy for sight distance at stop-controlledintersections is based on a model of the acceleration performance ofa minor-road vehicle turning left or right onto a major road and thedeceleration performance of the following major-road vehicle. Thispaper develops and quantifies an alternative intersection sightdistance model based on gap acceptance. The paper describes fieldstudies that were performed to determine the critical gapsappropriate for use in sight distance design. It is recom- mendedthat the sight distance along the major road for a passenger car at astop-controlled intersection be based on a distance equal to 7.5 s oftravel time at the design speed of the major road. Longer sight dis-tances are recommended for minor-road approaches that have sufficienttruck volumes to warrant con- sideration of a truck as the designvehicle.
机译:目前AASHTO在停车控制交叉路口的视距政策是基于小型道路车辆在主要道路上左转或右转的加速性能以及后续主要道路车辆的减速性能模型。本文开发并量化了一种基于间隙接受度的替代交叉口视距模型。本文描述了为确定适合用于视距设计的关键间隙而进行的实地研究。建议乘用车在停车控制交叉路口沿主要道路的视距应基于等于主要道路设计速度下行驶时间的 7.5 秒的距离。对于具有足够卡车容积以保证卡车作为设计车辆的次要道路,建议使用更长的视线。




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