首页> 外文期刊>Journal of optical technology >Computer analysis of monochromatic drawings by mentally healthy people and patients with schizophrenia

Computer analysis of monochromatic drawings by mentally healthy people and patients with schizophrenia


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This paper presents the results of a comparative computer analysis of monochromatic drawings by mentally healthy subjects and patients with schizophrenia. The contours of the images were distinguished in each of the drawings, after which the following characteristics were calculated: the total length of all the contours of the image, the mean size of the image, and the ratio of the total length of the contours to the mean size. The spatial-frequency spectra of the images were also computed. It is established that the mean size of the drawings and the relative length of the contours in the drawings by the patients with schizophrenia are less than in those of the healthy subjectsi. e., the drawings of the patients with schizophrenia are less detailed. Moreover, these drawings are characterized by a certain rise of the spectrum in the region of medium spatial frequencies. As shown by a computer experiment, on the basis of an analysis of twenty arbitrarily chosen drawings by the patients with schizophrenia, a positive diagnosis can be delivered in 92 of all the cases. When the same sample of drawings by healthy subjects is analyzed, the probability of an incorrect diagnosis was 6.5. The resulting data are regarded as evidence of dysfunction when there is schizophrenia of the magnocellular system, which provides a global analysis of the images and an increase of the internal noise level of the visual system. (C) 2015 Optical Society of America.
机译:本文介绍了对心理健康受试者和精神分裂症患者单色绘画的比较计算机分析结果。在每张图中区分图像的轮廓,然后计算以下特征:图像所有轮廓的总长度,图像的平均大小以及轮廓总长度与平均大小的比率。还计算了图像的时空频率谱。可以确定,精神分裂症患者在图画中图画的平均大小和轮廓的相对长度小于健康受试者。例如,精神分裂症患者的图画不太详细。此外,这些图的特点是中等空间频率区域的频谱有一定的上升。正如计算机实验所示,根据对精神分裂症患者任意选择的二十张图画的分析,可以在所有病例中提供92%的阳性诊断。当分析健康受试者的相同图画样本时,错误诊断的概率为6.5%。当大细胞系统精神分裂症时,由此产生的数据被视为功能障碍的证据,这提供了图像的全局分析和视觉系统内部噪声水平的增加。(C) 2015年美国光学学会。




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