首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer >Collision-induced absorption (CIA) spectra and ground-state potentials of inert gas mixtures

Collision-induced absorption (CIA) spectra and ground-state potentials of inert gas mixtures


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Collision-induced absorption spectra of the rare gas systems He-Ne, He-Ar, He-Kr, He-Xe, Ne-Kr, Ne-Xe, Ar-Kr and Ar-Xe at different temperatures with the pressure second virial coefficients, viscosity and thermal conductivity have been used for deriving the empirical models of the induced dipole moment and the interaction potential. Theoretical zeroth, first and second moments of the binary spectra using various models for the induced dipole moment and interatomic potential are compared with the experimental values performed by the groups of Marteau, Bosomworth, Bucktoyarova, Bar-Ziv, Ryzhov and Frommhold. In addition, mixture diffusion coefficients and isotopic thermal factors calculated for these models are compared with experimental ones. The results show that these models are the most accurate models reported to date for these mixtures.




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