首页> 外文期刊>Chemistry of Materials: A Publication of the American Chemistry Society >An Ab Initio Study of Lithium Diffusion in Titanium Disulfide Nanotubes

An Ab Initio Study of Lithium Diffusion in Titanium Disulfide Nanotubes


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Using density functional theory(DFT),we have investigated the mobility and insertion potential of Li on single-walled TiS2 nanotubes as a function of radius.To explore large radii,the nanotube surface is modeled as a curved surface.For small tubes,for which DFT calculations are practical on the complete tube,we find that strain energies,voltages,and activation barriers calculated with the curved surface method are nearly the same as those calculated with a full nanotube.Our results show that,for the range of nanotube radii that are seen experimentally(approximately 50-250 A),Li diffusion on the nanotube surface is very fast and similar to diffusion on a flat surface.In general,the activation barrier for Li diffusion is 200 meV smaller on the surface than in the bulk,which could result in an improved mobility of Li by a factor of 3000 at room temperature.The effect of tube radius on the Li insertion voltage and migration energy can be explained by the electrostatic repulsion between Li and Ti and by the relaxation of the S atoms.
机译:利用密度泛函理论(DFT),研究了Li在单壁TiS2纳米管上的迁移率和插入电位随半径的变化。为了探索大半径,将纳米管表面建模为曲面。对于在整管上进行DFT计算的小管,我们发现用曲面法计算的应变能、电压和活化势垒与用全纳米管计算的应变能、电压和活化势垒几乎相同。结果表明,在实验观察到的纳米管半径范围内(约50-250 A),Li在纳米管表面的扩散非常快,与在平面上的扩散相似。一般而言,Li扩散的活化势垒在表面比在体中小200 meV,这可能导致Li在室温下的迁移率提高3000倍。管半径对Li插入电压和迁移能的影响可以通过Li和Ti之间的静电排斥和S原子的弛豫来解释。




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