首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1 >Constituents of the higher fungi Part XV. 3-(3,4-Dihydroxyphenyl)-2,7,8-trihydroxydibenzofuran-1,4-dione, a precursor of thelephoric acid from the fungusSuillus grevillei(klotsch) sing. Boletus elegans(schum. per Fries)

Constituents of the higher fungi Part XV. 3-(3,4-Dihydroxyphenyl)-2,7,8-trihydroxydibenzofuran-1,4-dione, a precursor of thelephoric acid from the fungusSuillus grevillei(klotsch) sing. Boletus elegans(schum. per Fries)

机译:高等真菌的成分第十五部分。3-(3,4-二羟基苯基)-2,7,8-三羟基二苯并呋喃-1,4-二酮,来自真菌的绽放酸的前体Suillus grevillei(klotsch)唱歌。



1975 351Constituents of the Higher Fungi Part XV. 3-(3,4-Dihydroxyphenyl)-2,7,8-trihydroxydibenzof uran-1 ,dime, a Precursor of Thelephoric Acidfrom the Fungus Sur'//usgrevillei (Klotsch) Sing. Boletus elegans (Schum.per Fries)By Raymond L. Edwards and Melvyn Gill, Scfiool of Chemistry, University of Bradford, Bradford BD7 1 DP3-(3,4-Dihydroxyphenyl)-2,7,8-trihydroxydibenzofuran-l,4-dione has been isolated from t h e fungus Sui//usgrevillei. Solutions of this compound are unstable and yield thelephoric acid.IN Part XIV we described the isolation of thelephoricacid (I) and seven new pigments from the larch boleteSuillus grevillei. Structures were assigned to three of0(I1these compounds (El1, B,, and A) and we now report theassignment of the structure (11) to the fourth compoundCompound C, (C18H,00,J m.p.300°, M+ 354) was ob-tained as dark red needles which form brown soiutions inacetone and in alcohols. The presence of five hydroxy-groups was established by the formation of a penta-acetate, and the quinonoid nature of the molecule wasshown by its reversible reduction and oxidation withsodium dithionite and air arid the formation of a leuco-hepta-acetate. The remaining, unreactive oxygen atommust be involved in an ether bridge since the lH n.m.r.spectrum shows absorption only in the aromatic region.0 0(C,> *..-a Rl0(137)(Y)(PI1( = I R ' = R 2 = R 3 z O H I R ' = 4 jR' = R 2 = R 3 = R 4 = HR' = R 4 = H I R ' z R3=OHR' = R 2 z R3 E R ~ = O HThe molecular formula and polyhydroxyiated quinon-oid nature of C, suggested that it was a hydroxyphenyl-benzoquinone.However, the U.V. spectrum of theleuco-acetate (Amx 257, 289, and 312sh nm) differs sig-nificantly from those of atromentin leuco-acetate (249nm) and polyporic acid leuco-acetate (245 nm). Also,1 Part XIV, R. L. Edwards and M. Gill, J.C.S. Pevkin I, 1973,1921.C, is unstable in alkali: in aqueous sodium hydroxide ablue colouration is produced which fades within 10 s togreen and then yellow, and in ammonium hydroxide thetransient blue colour fades to a more stable green showinglong-wavelength absorption a t 658 nm. Polyporic acid(IV) and atromentin (V) are relatively stable in alkali.Solutions of C, are unstable and slowly deposit thele-phoric acid (I), identified from its i.r.and U.V. spectra andby the formation of a tetra-acetate and a leuco-hexa-acetate. This instability is particularly marked inacetone solution. The similarity between the chromo-phores of C, and thelephoric acid is illustrated in theTable.U.V. maxima (nm; log E in parentheses) of the pigmeatC, and thelephoric acidSolventAbsolute ethan~lloo/, EtOH10 EtOH +2 drops dilutea1 ka1.i0.1 N-NaOHPyridinePigment C,259 (4.391, 301 14-44),340infl(4-01), 445(3.84)364 (3.97), 300 (4.00)(NH40H) 270 (4-12),316 (4*11), 658(3.84)(3.77)342 (3-96), 394hfl306 (4.24), 331infl(3*78), 446 (3.55)Thelephoric acid264 (4.27), 30.5 (4*30),483 (3.86)271 (3*48), 326 (3.61)(NaOH) 274 (3-85),334 (3*95), 690(3.69)344 (446), 394infl(4013)~ >700311 (4.53), 396infl(3*58), 493 (4.06)Although the formation of the acetate derivativesproves the presence of a quinone ring and five acidichydroxy-groups it does not distinguish between the twopossible structures (11) and (111).Either could con-ceivably be a direct precursor of thelephoric acid, andstructure (11) has recently been suggested as a possibleintermediate in the formation of this compound.2Polyporic acid (IV) and atromentin (V) are relativelystable in alkali but the stability of the related poly-hydroxylated compounds has not been studied. In orderto make a direct comparison with C,, variegatin (VI) (thehypothetical quinone corresponding to variegatic acid)and leucomelone (VII) have been synthesised.2,5-Dihydroxy-3,6-bis(hydroxyphenyl) benzoquinones areusually prepared from 2,5-~blorobenzoquinone byarylation, demethylation, and replacement of halogen byhydroxyl (by treatment with hot sodium hydroxidesolutjm). The synthesis of Leucomelone by this sequencehas been ~laimed,~ a d this would imply that the corn-pound is stable in alkaline solution. However, efforts byother workers to prepare leucomelone by reductivedemethylation of 3,4,4-trimethoxypolyporic acid anda J. Gripenberg, Tahedvun Letters, 1974, 619.M. Akagi, J. Phavm. SOC. Japan, 1942, $2, 202.G. J. Benett and N. Uri, J . Chem. SOC., 1962, 2763352 J.C.S. Perkin Ioxidation of the resulting quinol in alkaline solution gavean amorphous product.Also, a demethylation withhydrogen bromide gave a product yielding an unstableacetate of m.p. (196---200") significantly different fromthat (226-227") reported earlier.3For our synthesis, the acid labile methoxymethylgroup was chosen as the hydroxy-protecting group.Diazotised 3,4-bis (methoxymethoxy) aniline was coupledwith 2,5-dichlorobenzoquinone to yield the diarylatedquinone; this was treated with alkali to remove thehalogen and then demethoxymethylated with dilute acidto yield variegatin. Similarly sequential monoarylationof 2,5-dic hlor o benzoquinone with diazot ised 4- (met hoxy-methoxy)aniline and then with diazotised 3,4-bis-(1nethoxymethoxy)aniline gave the unsymmetrical di-arylated product, which on treatment with alkali anddemethoxymethylation gave leucomelone.In boththese syntheses the use of alkali after removal of theprotecting groups was unnecessary, and during the finaldemethoxymethylation the crystalline quinones wereformed quantitatively during I min.Variegatin (VI) and leucomelone (VII) are both un-stable in dilute alkali. In dilute aqueous sodiumhydroxide, variegatin produces a blue colouration whichConclusive proof of structure (11) was obtained fromthe mass spectrum, which shows features in common withthose of variegatin and leucomelone. All three com-pounds exhibit abundant M+ and M+ - CO peaks.Both variegatin and C, exhibit a peak at m/e 177, whichcan be represented as the fragment (a) from the 'di-hydroxyphenyl' side of the quinone.This would beexpected to fragment to yield the ions (b) m/e 149 and(c) m/e 121; both are found in variegatin and C,. Thefragment of m/e 177 is absent from the spectrum ofleucomelone but the ions (b) and (c) do appear. Mono-hydroxy-analogues of these fragments appear only in thespectrum of leucomelone. A compound with structure(111) would be expected to produce the phenylacetyleneion (d) as a major fragment. This type of fragmentationoccurs in 2,5-di-(p-tolyl)-l,4-benzoquinone, which showsmajor ions at m/e 288 (M+), 273 (M - CH,), 245(M+ - CH, - CO), and 116 (e). Although a peak ispresent at m/e 150 in the spectrum of C,, which couldcorrespond to (d), this is weaker than that of the mle 149ion, and could arise from a simple fragmentation of thebenzoquinone nucleus to give (f) ; this is supported by thepresence of this peak in the spectra of variegatin andleucomelone and, in the case of leucomelone, a mono-fades to yellow within 15 s; in ammonium hydroxide theblue colour fades to a more stable green (A*= 660 nm).Leucomelone produces a blue colouration which fades toa more stable green with both these reagents.Com-pound C, resembles variegatin in these colour reactions.In the i.r. spectrum C, shows strong hydroxy-absorp-tion and complex bands in the carbonyl region. Thecompound tenaciously holds solvent of crystallisation andremoval of this causes marked changes in intensity ofbands at 1692, 1650, and 1640 cm-1. In particular thatat 1692 cm-l almost disappears after vacuum drying athydroxy-analogue at mle 136.Thelephoric acid is a widespread metabolite of lichensand fungi and the ease with which it can be extractedfrom some of these sources by either acetone or alcoholshas been noted by several workers.Zopf reported awine-red alcoholic extract from Thelephora species andseveral authors have used acetone as the extractingsolvent .6-8 Asahina and Shibata used acetone to extractthelephoric acid from Lobaria retigera and pyridine toextract the same pigment from Thelephora palmata.KoglQ noted that the compound could only be readilyc fO+room temperature for 3 days. Bands near 1640 and 1650cm-l would be expected for a compound of structure (11),whereas structure (111) would be expected to absorb at1680 (non-chelated C=O) and 1640 cm-l (C=O in sameenvironment as in thelephoric acid).The possibilitythat cyclisation might be taking place during drying wasruled out by the preparation of the penta-acetate and theleuco-hepta-acetate from the dried material.W. Zopf, Bot. Z., 1889, 8, 69.6 J. Gripenberg, Acta Chem. Scand., 1968, 12, 1411.7 G. Sullivan, L. R. Brady, and V. E. Tyler, Uoydia, 1967, 80,84.extracted from wet Thelephora species by pyridine. Theinsolubility of thelephoric acid in most solvents and thisvariation in the ease of extraction from different sourcescombined with our observation that C, readily changes inacetone solution suggests that precursors similar to, orthe same as, the compound described in this paper areresponsible for the apparent initial solubility of this com-pound in organic solvents.The initial difficulties in* Y. Asahina and S. Shibata, Ber., 1939, 72, 1631.F. Kbgl, H. Erxleben, and L. Janecke, Annalen, 1930, 482,1061975structure determination and purification also suggest theprobable presence of mixtures.1° It is probable that C,is the colouring matter in the cap of Suillus grevillei var.badius and is the precursor of the thelephoric acidisolated by us from this species.EXPERIMENTALM.p.s were determined on a Kofler hot-stage apparatus,i.r. spectra on a Perkin-Elmer 237 spectrophotometer, U.V.spectra on a Unicam SP 800 spectrophotometer, lH n.m.r.spectra on a JEOL JNM-MH-100 spectrometer (tetramethyl-silane as internal standard), and mass spectra on an A.E.I.M S 9 spectrometer.All thin layer (t.l.c,), preparative layer(p.l.c.), and column chromatography was carried out onMerck Kieselgel PF256 + 366.Isolation of 3-(3,4-Dihydroxyphenyl)-2,7,8-trihyd~oxydi-benzofuran-l,4-dione (C,) (11) .-The pigment was extractedand isolated as described in Part X1V.l Fractions 79-85deposited dark red needles (38 mg), m.p. >300° Found: C,60.6; H, 2.9 (after drying under vacuum a t room temp.for 48 h) ; Mf, 354.037624. C18Hlo08 requires C, 61-0; H,2.85 ; M, 354.0375591 ; vmxa 3490, 3320, 2640, 2530, 1650,and 1640 cm-1; m/e 356 (16), 355 (25), 354 (loo), 353 (ll),352 (39), 326 (8), 177 (7), 176 (5), 168 (5), 149 (5), 150 (4), 121(5), and 120 (5); 7 (CD,),CO 2.2-3.8 (10H).Thelephoric Acid from Comfiound C,.-A solution of thepigment (10 mg) in cold acetone (0.3 ml) was set aside for3 days.The brown solution slowly deposited crystals ofthelephoric acid (5 mg), which were filtered off and washedwith acetone and alcohol (Found: Mf, 352.021009. Calc.for C18H,0,: M , 352.021910); vmx. 1630 and 1605 cm-l;lmx. (pyridine) 493 nm (log E 4-02).Acetylation of Compound C,.-A mixture of C, (10 mg),acetic anhydride (0.4 ml), and pyridine (1 drop) was set asideat room temperature. After 48 h the yellow solution wasfiltered and the filtrate poured into water. Recrystallis-ation of the solid from benzene-light petroleum (b.p. 80-100") gave 2,7,8-triacetoxy-3- (3,4-diacetoxyphenyZ)dibenzo-furapt-l,4-dione (4 mg) as bright yellow needles, m.p.137-142" (Found : M f , 564-093684. C2,,H,o01, requires M,564.090684) ; vmx, (CHC1,) 1780, 1680, 1603, 1583, and 1374cm-l; m/e 564, 522, 480, 438, 396, 354, 337, 326, 177, 149,and 121; LX. 249, 274sh, and 350 nm.Reductive A cetylation of C, A cetute.-A mixture of C,acetate (5 mg), acetic anhydride (1 ml), anhydrous sodiumacetate (0.1 mg), and zinc dust (10 mg) was refluxed for 30min and then poured into water. 1,2,4,7,8-Penlu-acetoxy-3-(3,4-diacetoxyphenyl)dibenzofu~an (4.2 mg) was filtered offand crystallised from benzene-light petroleum (b.p. 80-100") asrods, m.p. 177' (Found: M+, 650.128480. C3,H2,O15requires M , 650.127153) ; v- (CHC1,) 1780, 1509, and 1375cm-l; LX 227, 257,289, and 310sh nm (log E 4.56,4-18,4.37,and 4-01>; m/e 650, 608, 566, 524, 482, 440, 398, 356, 337,326, 177, and 149.3,4-Bis(methoxymethoxy) -1-nitrobenzene.-A mixture of 4-nitrocatechol(lO3 g), chloromethyl methyl ether (160 g ) , andanhydrous potassium carbonate (360 g) in anhydrousacetone (1.2 1) was stirred and refluxed for 48 h.The mix-ture was filtered, the residue was well washed with acetone,and the filtrate was evaporated under reduced pressure. Asolution of the oily residue in ether was shaken with aqueoussodium hydroxide (3 x 50 ml; 2 ~ ) , then water, dried(Na,S04), and evaporated. Crystallisation of the residuefrom aqueous ethanol and recrystallisation from methanolgave 3,4-bis(methoxymethoxy)-l-nitrobenzene (126 g ) as paleyellow needles, n1.p.59-63" (Found: C, 49.5; H, 5.4; N,5.8. C1,Hl,N06 requires C, 49.4; H, 5-35; N, 5.8).3,4-Bis(methoxymethoxy)aniline.-A solution of 3,kbis-(methoxymethoxy)- l-nitrobenzene (146 g) in ethanol (600ml) was added dropwise to a stirred suspension of palladisedcharcoal (3 g; 10) in aqueous sodium borohydride (55 g in1500 ml) cooled to 5'. Nitrogen was passed through themixture during the addition, Stirring was continued for 1 hand after filtration the alcohol was evaporated off under re-duced pressure. The mixture was acidified with acetic acidand extracted with ether, and the extract washed with colddilute hydrochloric acid. The base was liberated withalkali and re-extracted into ether. Evaporation, and dis-tillation of the product in uucuo gave the aniline (82 g), b.p.146-148" a t 0.7 mmHg.Crystallisation from cyclohexanegave the needles, m.p. 52-56' (Found: C, 56.5; H, 7.0;N, 6-5. CloH,NO, requires C, 56.3; H, 7.0; N, 6.6).3-3,4-Bis(methoxymethoxy)~heny~-2,5-dichloro- 1,4-benzo-quitzone.-Sodium nitrite (2.3 g) in water (10 ml) was addeddropwise a t 5" to a solution of 3,4-bis(methoxymethoxy)-aniline (6 g, 0-03 mol) in concentrated hydrochloric acid-water (1 : 1 ; 14 ml). Sodium acetate (7 g ) was added andthe mixture poured into a solution of 2,5-dichlorobenzo-quinone (5.3 g, 0-03 mol) in ethanol (250 ml) and ether (250ml) at 10". The dark red solution was set aside overnightand then evaporated to low bulk under reduced pressure.The mixture was extracted with ether, the extract evapor-ated, and the residue adsorbed on silica gel (20 g) fromacetone.The dry gel was placed on a column of silica gel(70 x 4 cm), which was developed with benzene-acetic acid(95 : 5 ) . The product from the first intense red band to beeluted yielded red plates (620 mg), m.p. 130-132" (frommethanol) (Found: c , 51.4; H, 3.9; c1, 19.1. C16H14C120,requires C, 51.5; H, 3.75; C1, 19.0); vmx. 1677, 1667, and1600 cm-1.The product from the second red band gave 3,64-3,4-bis (methoxymethoxy)phenylJ 2,5-dichloro- 1,4-benzoquinone(155 me) as bronze plates (from ethanol), m.p. 163-165"(Found: C, 54.7; H, 4.4; C1, 12.4. C,6H,6C12010 requiresC, 54.8; H, 4.6; C1, 12.5); vmx. 1674 and 1601 cm-1.Similarly prepared from 2,5-dichlorobenzoquinone ( 19.5 g )and diazotised Pmethoxyrnethoxyphenylaniline (15.3 g) was2,5-dichloro-3-4- (methoxymethoxy)fihenyll- 1,4-benzoquinone(7.2 g) as orange-red rods (from ethanol), m.p.110-112"(Found: C, 54.0; H, 3.4; Cl, 22.6. Cl,Hl0Cl2O4 requiresC, 53.7; H, 3.2; C1, 22.7); vmX 1672, 1665, and 1604cm-1.3-3,4-Bis (methoxymethoxy)phenylJ-2,5-dichloro-6-4-(metk-oxymethoxy)-phertyll- 1,4-benzoquinone.- 3,4-Bis (methoxy-methoxy)aniline (9-8 g) in hydrochloric acid (32 ml; 50)was diazotised with sodium nitrite (6 g) in water (30 ml) at6". Sodium acetate (20 g) was added and the mixturepoured into a solution of 2,5-dichloro-3-4-(methoxy-methoxy)phenyl-1,4-benzoquinone (6.26 g) in ethanol (600ml) and ether (180 ml) at 10". The mixture was stirred for3 h during which time the solution became dark brown anddeposited a red solid.Crystallisation from acetic acidyielded the product (1-18 g) as bronze Pplates, m.p. 147-150'(Found: C, 56.7; €3, 4.3; C1, 14.0. C,,H2,Cl2O, requiresC, 56.6; H, 4.3; C1, 13.95); vmaX 1676, 1603, 1580, and1504 cm-l.3,s-Di- 3,4-bis (methoxymethoxy)phenyl-J -2, 5-dihydroxy- 1,4-benzoquinone.-A suspension of 3,6-di-3,4-bis(methoxy-methoxy)phenyl-2,5-dichloro-l,4-benzoquinone (100 mg) inlo G. Read and L. C. Vining, Canad. J. Chem., 1969, 87, 1442354methanol (1.5 ml) and aqueous sodium hydroxide (1.5 ml;2N) was warmed on a water-bath for 30 min. Acidificationof the cold purple solution gave a brown precipitate whichwas filtered off and crystallised from dioxan to yield theproduct (70 mg) as yellow needles, m.p.149-153' (Found:C, 58.4; H, 5-2. C2sH28012 requires C , 58.65; H, 5.3);vmX 1646, 1626, 1599, 1580, and 1513 cm-1.3- 3,C-Bis (methoxymethoxy)pheny ZJ -2,B-dihydvoxy- 6- 4(methoxymethoxy)phe~~~- 1,4-benzoquinone, similarly pre-pared from the corresponding dichloro-compound, wasobtained as orange needles (from dioxan), m.p. 120'(Found: C, 60.8; H, 5.0. C2#1, requires C, 61.0; H,54); vw 1630, 1619, 1600, and 1510 cm-1.Variegatzn (VI) and Leucomelone ( V I I ) .-A mixture of2,5-dihydroxy-3,6-bis(methoxymethoxy)phenyl- 1,kbenzo-quinone (35 mg), acetic acid (1.5 ml), and sulphuric acid (1drop: 2N) was boiled for 1 min. The solution deposited acrystalline brown solid.Recrystallisation from pyridinegave 2,B-bis- (3,4-dihydroxyphenyZ) -3,6-dihydroxy- 1,4-benzo-quinune (variegatin) (1 9 me;) as red rods which turned brownon heatiirlg in vacuo; m.p. > 320' (Found: C, 60.7; H, 3.55.C18H1208 requires C, 60.7; H, 3.4); v,, 3490, 1640sh,1629, 1620, 1605, and 1514 cm-l; A,mx. 216sh, 270, and 282nrn (log E 4.31, 4.16, and 4.21); A,, (10 ethanol) 285 and354sh nm (log e 3.85 and 2-90); Amx. (10 ethanol + 2drops ~N-NH,OH) 250sh, 331, and 660 nm (log E 3.87, 3.94,and 3-83) ; Amma (0-1N-NaOH) 250sh, 332, and 384 nm (log E:4.42, 4.43, and 4.32); m/e 356 (looyo), 328 (751, 255 {20), 177(20), 161 (49), 150 (80), 140 (49), 123 (64), 122 (44), and121 (72).Similarly, hydrolysis of 3-3,4-bis(methoxyinethoxy)-phenyl-2,5-dihydroxy-6-~4-(methoxynietlioxy)phenyl- 1,4-benzoquinone (100 mg) gave leucomelone (36 mg) as orangeplates (from dioxan), m.p.>320" (Found: C, 63.3; H , 3.4.Calc. for C18H,,0,: C, 63.55; H, 3.55) ; v,. 3400, 1637sh,1625, 1602, and 1510 cm-1; A,,,. 271, 282, and 386 nm (log EJ.C.S. Perkin I4.42, 4-41, and 3.29) ; A,,, ( lOyo ethanol) 281 and 345sh nm(log E '4.19 and 3.26); I.-. (10 ethanol + 2 drops 2 ~ -NH40H) 295 and 664 nm (log E 4.14 and 4.79); LX (0.1s-NaOH) 260, 326, 382, and 676 nm (log E 4-06, 4.07, 3-82, and3.33); m/e 340 (looyo), 312 (47), 161 (43), 160 (40), 149 (19),145 (22), 134 (43), 133 (26), 123 (47), 122 (22), 121 (39), and105 (41).Leucomelone Penta-acetate and Variegatin Hexa-acetate.-A mixture of leucomelone (50 mg), acetic anhydride (0.4 ml),and sulphuric acid ( 1 drop) was heated on a water-bath for16 min, cooled, and poured into water. The product (42 mg)crystallised from acetic acid to yield lemon-yellow needles ofleucomelone penta-acetate, m.p. 174-182" (decomp.) (lit.,4196-200"; lit.,3 226-227") (Found: C, 61.3; H, 4.3.Calc. for C.2: C, 61.1; H, 4-00/,); wmK 1773, 1671,1613, and 1499 cm-l.Similarly, variegatin gave variegatin hexa-acetate as yellowneedles (from acetic anhydride), m.p. 184-180" (decornp.)(Found: C, 58.8; H, 4-0. C,H2,01, requires C, 59.2; H,3.9); vmx. 1780, 1680, 1620, 1610, and 1503 cm-l.Leucomelone Hepta-acetate and Variegatin Octa-acetate.-Amixture of leucomelone (25 mg), acetic anhydride (3 ml),anhydrous sodium acetate (10 mg), and zinc dust (50 mg)was heated under reflux for 10 min. The mixture wascooled, filtered, and poured into water. Crystallisation ofthe solid from ethanol gave needles of leucomelone hepta-acetate (19 ing), m.p. 218" (after softening a t 205") (lit.,3204-205") (Found: C, 60.1; H, 4.3. Calc. for C,2H2801a:C , 60.4; H, 4.4); urn=. 1775 cm-l.Similarly, variegatin gave variegatin octu-acetate asneedles (from acetic acid), m.p. 242-244" (Found: C, 58.6;H, 4.25. C,,H,,O1, requires C, 58.8; H, 4.3); v " ~ , ~ .1775 cm-l.We thank the S.R.C. for a research grant (to M. G.).4/1886 Received, 16th September, 1974
机译:1975 351高等真菌的成分第十五部分。3-(3,4-二羟基苯基)-2,7,8-三羟基二苯并的铀-1,&二甲,一种来自真菌Sur'//usgrevillei(Klotsch)的Thelephoric Acid的前体。 [牛肝菌秀丽隐杆线虫(Schum.per Fries)]作者:Raymond L. Edwards 和 Melvyn Gill,布拉德福德大学化学科学研究院,布拉德福德 BD7 1 DP3-(3,4-二羟基苯基)-2,7,8-三羟基二苯并呋喃-l,4-二酮已从真菌 Sui//usgrevillei 中分离出来。该化合物的溶液不稳定,并产生thelephoric acid。在第十四部分中,我们描述了从落叶松牛肝菌中分离出的苯丙酸(I)和七种新色素。结构被分配给3 of0(I1这些化合物(El1,B,和A),我们现在报告结构(11)分配给第四个化合物化合物C,(C18H,00,J m.p.300°,M+ 354)被获得为深红色的针状,在乙酮和醇中形成棕色的soiutions。通过形成五乙酸酯建立了五个羟基的存在,并且该分子的醌类性质通过其与连二亚硫酸钠和空气中的可逆还原和氧化而形成无色-庚-乙酸酯来显示。剩余的非活性氧原子必须参与乙醚桥,因为 lH n.m.r.光谱显示仅在芳香族区域吸收.0 0(C,> *..&-a Rl0(137)(Y)(PI1( = I R ' = R 2 = R 3 z O H I R ' = 4 jR' = R 2 = R 3 = R 4 = HR' = R 4 = H I R ' z R3=OHR' = R 2 z R3 E R ~ = O HC的分子式和多羟基化醌类化合物的性质表明它是一种羟基苯基苯醌。然而,白藻-乙酸盐(Amx 257、289 和 312sh nm)的 U.V. 光谱与白蛋白-乙酸 (249nm) 和多孔酸-白藻-乙酸 (245 nm) 的 UV 光谱有显着差异。此外,1 Part XIV, R. L. Edwards and M. Gill, J.C.S. Pevkin I, 1973,1921.C 在碱中不稳定:在氢氧化钠水溶液中产生蓝色,在 10 秒内褪色为绿色,然后变黄,在氢氧化铵中,瞬时蓝色褪色为更稳定的绿色,显示长波长吸收 a t 658 nm。多孔酸(IV)和阿曲门蛋白(V)在碱中相对稳定。C的溶液是不稳定的,缓慢沉积的茶酸(I),从其i.r.和U.V.光谱中鉴定出来,并通过形成四乙酸盐和亮色六乙酸盐来识别。这种不稳定性在丙酮溶液中尤为明显。C的发色团和thelephoric酸之间的相似性在Table.U.V.中进行了说明。猪肉C和肝酸的最大值(nm;括号内为log E),以及thelephoric acid溶剂无水乙~lloo/,EtOH10%EtOH +2滴稀1 ka1.i0.1 N-NaOHPyridinePigment C,259(4.391,301 14-44),340infl(4-01),445(3.84)364(3.97),300(4.00)(NH40H)270(4-12),316(4*11),658(3.84)(3.77)342(3-96),394HFL306(4.24), 331infl(3*78), 446 (3.55)thelephoric acid264 (4.27), 30.5 (4*30),483 (3.86)271 (3*48), 326 (3.61)(NaOH) 274 (3-85),334 (3*95), 690(3.69)344 (446), 394infl(4013)~ >700311 (4.53), 396infl(3*58), 493 (4.06)虽然乙酸盐衍生物的形成证明了醌环和五个酸性羟基的存在,但它并不能区分两种可能的结构(11)和(111)。两者都可能是thelephoric acid的直接前体,并且结构(11)最近被认为是形成该化合物的可能中间体.2Polyporic acid (IV)和atromentin(V)在碱中相对稳定,但相关多羟基化化合物的稳定性尚未得到研究。为了与C,,进行直接比较,已经合成了杂色素(VI)(假设的对应于杂色酸的醌)和亮美酮(VII).2,5-二羟基-3,6-双(羟基苯基)苯醌通常由2,5-~bloro苯醌乙酰化,去甲基化和卤素羟基置换(通过热氢氧化钠处理)制备。通过这个序列合成的亮科酮已经~laimed,~ a d 这意味着玉米磅在碱性溶液中是稳定的。然而,其他工人通过还原去甲基化3,4,4-三甲氧基多孔酸和J. Gripenberg,T&ahedvun Letters,1974,619.M. Akagi,J. Phavm的努力。日本,1942 年,202 美元,202.G. J. Benett 和 N. Uri, J .化学SOC.,1962年,2763352 J.C.S.Perkin在碱性溶液中对所得的喹醇进行Ioxidation,得到无定形产物。此外,用溴化氢进行去甲基化反应后,产物的不稳定乙酸盐的m.p.(196---200“)与之前报道的(226-227”)明显不同.3在我们的合成中,选择酸不稳定的甲氧基甲基作为羟基保护基团。将重氮化 3,4-双(甲氧基甲氧基)苯胺与 2,5-二氯苯醌偶联,生成二芳基化醌;用碱处理除去卤素,然后用稀酸脱甲氧基甲基化,得到杂色。类似地,将2,5-二苯醌与重氮化4-(甲基甲氧基甲氧基)苯胺,然后用重氮化3,4-双-(1奈氧基甲氧基)苯胺连续单芳基化,得到不对称的二芳基化产物,经碱和去甲氧基甲基化处理,得到明可隆。在这两种合成中,在去除保护基团后没有必要使用碱,并且在最终去甲氧基甲基化过程中,结晶醌在I min期间定量形成。杂色加丁 (VI) 和亮甲基酮 (VII) 在稀碱中均不稳定。在稀的氢氧化钠水溶液中,杂色蛋白产生蓝色,从质谱图中获得了结构的确凿证明(11),显示出与杂色素和亮卡梅隆的共同特征。这三种合成磅都表现出丰富的M+和M+-CO峰。杂色蛋白和 C 均在 m/e 177 处表现出峰值,可以表示为醌“二羟基苯基”侧的片段 (a)。预计这会碎裂以产生离子 (b) m/e 149 和 (c) m/e 121;两者都存在于杂色和C中。m/e 177 的碎片在白胺酮的光谱中不存在,但离子 (b) 和 (c) 确实出现。这些片段的单羟基类似物仅出现在亮科酮的光谱中。具有结构(111)的化合物有望产生苯乙炔(d)作为主要片段。这种类型的碎裂发生在 2,5-二甲苯基-l,4-苯醌中,其主要离子位于 m/e 288 (M+)、273 (M - CH,)、245(M+ - CH, - CO) 和 116 (e) 处。虽然在C的光谱中m/e 150处存在一个峰,可以对应于(d),但这比mle 149离子的峰弱,并且可能由苯醌核的简单碎裂引起,得到(f);这得到了该峰在杂色中雄白菊酮光谱中的存在的支持,在白细胞酮的情况下,A 在 15 秒内单褪色为黄色;在氢氧化铵中,蓝色逐渐变为更稳定的绿色 (A*= 660 nm)。Leucomelone 产生蓝色,使用这两种试剂后逐渐褪色为更稳定的绿色。Com-pound C,在这些颜色反应中类似于杂色加丁。在 i.r. 光谱 C 中,在羰基区域显示出强烈的羟基吸收和复合带。该化合物顽强地保持结晶溶剂,去除这种溶剂会导致 1692、1650 和 1640 cm-1 处的条带强度发生显着变化。特别是,在1692 cm-l时,在mle 136的真空干燥后几乎消失了羟基类似物.Thelephoric acid是地衣和真菌的广泛代谢产物,并且可以通过丙酮或醇从其中一些来源中提取它很容易被一些工人注意到。Zopf报道了来自Thelephora物种的酒红色酒精提取物,几位作者使用丙酮作为提取溶剂.6-8 Asahina和Shibata使用丙酮从Lobaria retigera中提取lephoric酸,吡啶从Thelephora palmata中提取相同的色素。KoglQ 指出,该化合物只能在 fO+室温下保持 3 天。1640 和 1650cm-l 附近的条带预计用于结构 (11) 的化合物,而结构 (111) 预计吸收 at1680(非螯合 C=O)和 1640 cm-l(C=O,在与苯丙酸相同的环境中)。通过从干燥材料中制备五乙酸酯和白质-七-乙酸,排除了在干燥过程中可能发生环化的可能性。Z., 1889, 8, 69.6 J. Gripenberg, Acta Chem. Scand., 1968, 12, 1411.7 G. Sullivan, L. R. Brady, and V. E. Tyler, Uoydia, 1967, 80,84.通过吡啶从湿的Thelephora物种中提取。thelephoric acid 在大多数溶剂中的不溶性以及从不同来源提取的难易程度的这种变化结合我们对 C 的观察,容易改变丙酮溶液表明,与本文中描述的化合物相似或相同的前体是该化合物在有机溶剂中的表观初始溶解度的原因。Y. Asahina and S. Shibata, Ber., 1939, 72, 1631.F. Kbgl, H. Erxleben, and L. Janecke, Annalen, 1930, 482,1061975结构测定和纯化也表明可能存在混合物.1° C很可能是Suillus grevillei var.badius菌盖中的着色物质,是我们从该物种中分离出的thelephoric酸的前体.在Kofler热台仪上测定实验,在Perkin-Elmer 237分光光度计上测定i.r.光谱,在Unicam SP 800分光光度计上测定U.V.光谱,在JEOL JNM-MH-100光谱仪上测定lH n.m.r.光谱(四甲基硅烷作为内标),在A.E.I.M S 9光谱仪上测定质谱。在Merck Kieselgel PF256+366上进行所有薄层(t.l.c,),制备层(p.l.c.)和柱层析.3-(3,4-二羟基苯基)-2,7,8-三氢~氧基二苯并呋喃-l,4-二酮(C,) (11) .-颜料按第X1V部分所述提取和分离,79-85沉积暗红色针(38mg),熔点>300°[发现:C,60.6;H,2.9%(在真空下干燥后,室温。48 小时) ;分子式:354.037624。C18Hlo08 需要 C,61-0;H,2.85% ;手机, 354.0375591 ;VMXA 3490、3320、2640、2530、1650 和 1640 cm-1;M/E 356 (16%)、355 (25)、354 (loo)、353 (ll)、352 (39)、326 (8)、177 (7)、176 (5)、168 (5)、149 (5)、150 (4)、121(5) 和 120 (5);7 [(CD,),CO] 2.2-3.8 (10H).将来自Comfiound C,.-A的色素(10mg)在冷丙酮(0.3ml)中的溶液中的Thelephoric Acid放置3天。棕色溶液缓慢沉积噻噶酸(5mg)的晶体,将其过滤掉并用丙酮和酒精洗涤(发现:Mf,352.021009。计算值 C18H,0,: M , 352.021910);vmx. 1630 和 1605 cm-l;(吡啶)493 nm(log E 4-02)。将化合物C,.-A的C,(10mg),乙酸酐(0.4ml)和吡啶(1滴)的混合物乙酰化放在室温下。48小时后,过滤黄色溶液,将滤液倒入水中。从苯轻质石油(b.p. 80-100“)中重结晶固体得到2,7,8-三乙酰氧基-3-(3,4-二乙酰氧基苯Z)二苯并-呋喃-l,4-二酮(4 mg)作为亮黄色针状物,m.p.137-142”(发现:MF,564-093684。C2,,H,o01,需要 M,564.090684) ;vmx、(CHC1)、1780、1680、1603、1583 和 1374cm-l;M/E 564、522、480、438、396、354、337、326、177、149 和 121;LX. 249、274sh 和 350 nm。将C,乙酸酯(5mg),乙酸酐(1ml),无水乙酸钠(0.1mg)和锌粉(10mg)的还原A鲸蜡酰化反应回流30min,然后倒入水中。1,2,4,7,8-戊酰氧基-3-(3,4-二乙酰氧基苯基)二苯并傅(4.2mg)从苯轻石油(b.p.80-100“)asrods中过滤并结晶,熔点177'(发现:M+,650.128480。C3,H2,O15需要M,650.127153);v-(CHC1,)1780、1509和1375cm-l;LX 227、257,289 和 310sh nm(log E 4.56、4-18、4.37 和 4-01>; 将 m/e 650、608、566、524、482、440、398、356、337、326、177 和 149.3,4-双(甲氧基甲氧基)-1-硝基苯-4-硝基邻苯酚(lO3 g)、氯甲基甲醚(160 g)、无水碳酸钾(360 g)在无水丙酮(1.2 1)中的混合物搅拌回流48 h。 残渣用丙酮充分洗涤,滤液减压蒸发。将油状残留物溶于乙醚,用氢氧化钠水溶液(3×50ml;2~)摇摇,然后加水,干燥(Na,S04),蒸发。乙醇水溶液残留物的结晶和甲醇的重结晶,3,4-双(甲氧基甲氧基)-l-硝基苯(126克)为淡黄色针状,n1.p.59-63“(发现:C,49.5;H,5.4;N,5.8。C1,Hl,N06 需要 C,49.4;H,5-35;将3,4-双(甲氧基甲氧基)苯胺(146g)乙醇溶液(600ml)滴加到搅拌的钯木炭(3g;10%)在硼氢化钠水溶液(55g in1500ml)中冷却至5'的硼氢化钠水溶液(3g;10%)中。在加入过程中将氮气通过混合物,继续搅拌1手,过滤后将酒精在减压下蒸发掉。将混合物用醋酸酸化并用乙醚萃取,提取液用冷稀盐酸洗涤。碱用碱释放并重新萃取成乙醚。产物在uucuo中的蒸发和蒸馏得到苯胺(82 g),b.p.146-148“ a t 0.7 mmHg.环己烷结晶得到针头,m.p. 52-56'(发现:C,56.5;H,7.0;N,6-5。CloH,NO,需要C,56.3;H,7.0;将3-[3,4-双(甲氧基甲氧基)~heny~-2,5-二氯-1,4-苯并戒烟区-亚硝酸钠(2.3g)水溶液(10ml)滴加到3,4-双(甲氧基甲氧基)-苯胺(6g,0-03mol)在浓盐酸水(1:1;14ml)中的溶液中。加入乙酸钠(7g),将混合物倒入2,5-二氯苯醌(5.3g,0-03mol)的乙醇(250ml)和乙醚(250ml)溶液中,浓度为10”。将暗红色溶液静置一夜,然后在减压下蒸发至低体积。将混合物用乙醚萃取,将提取物蒸发,并将残留物吸附在硅胶(20g)上。将干凝胶置于用苯乙酸(95 : 5)显影的硅胶柱(70 x 4 cm)上。从第一个强烈的红色条带到蜂状产物产生红色板(620毫克),熔点130-132“(甲醇)(发现:c,51.4;H, 3.9;C1,19.1。C16H14C120,要求C,51.5;H,3.75;C1,19.0%);VMX. 1677、1667 和 1600 cm-1。第二个红色条带的产物给出了3,64-[3,4-双(甲氧基甲氧基)苯基J 2,5-二氯-1,4-苯醌(155 me)作为青铜板(来自乙醇),熔点163-165“(发现:C,54.7;H,4.4;C1,12.4。C,6H,6C12010 要求 C, 54.8;H,4.6;C1,12.5%);VMX. 1674 和 1601 cm-1。由2,5-二氯苯醌(19.5g)和重氮化对甲氧基乙氧基苯胺(15.3g)制备的类似方法是2,5-二氯-3-[4-(甲氧基甲氧基)fihenyll-1,4-苯醌(7.2g)作为橙红色棒(来自乙醇),m.p.110-112“(Found: C, 54.0;H,3.4;氯,22.6。Cl,Hl0Cl2O4要求C,53.7;H,3.2;C1,22.7%);vmX 1672、1665 和 1604cm-1.3-[3,4-双(甲氧基甲氧基)苯基J-2,5-二氯-6-[4-(甲氧基甲氧基)-菲尔基-1,4-苯醌.- 3,4-双(甲氧基甲氧基)苯胺 (9-8 g) 在盐酸 (32 ml; 50%) 中用亚硝酸钠 (6 g) 在水 (30 ml) 中重氮化 at6”。加入乙酸钠(20克),将混合物倒入2,5-二氯-3-[4-(甲氧基-甲氧基)苯基]-1,4-苯醌(6.26克)的乙醇(600毫升)和乙醚(180毫升)的溶液中,浓度为10”。将混合物搅拌3小时,在此期间溶液变成深棕色并沉积红色固体。醋酸结晶得到产品(1-18 g)为青铜板,熔点147-150'(发现:C,56.7;€3,4.3;C1,14.0。C,,H2,Cl2O,要求C,56.6;H,4.3;C1,13.95%);vmaX 1676、1603、1580 和 1504 cm-l。3,s-二-[ 3,4-双(甲氧基甲氧基)苯基-J-2,5-二羟基-1,4-苯醌.-3,6-二[3,4-双(甲氧基甲氧基)苯基]-2,5-二氯-l,4-苯醌(100mg)的悬浮液 inlo G. Read 和 L. C. Vining, Canad. J. Chem., 1969, 87, 1442354甲醇(1.5ml)和氢氧化钠水溶液(1.5ml;2N)在水浴上加热30分钟。 冷紫色溶液酸化得到棕色沉淀,过滤掉该沉淀,从二恶烷中结晶,得到产物(70mg)为黄色针状,m.p.149-153'(Found:C,58.4;H,5-2。C2sH28012 需要 C , 58.65;H,5.3%);vmX 1646、1626、1599、1580 和 1513 cm-1.3- [ 3,C-双(甲氧基甲氧基)苯酚 ZJ -2,B-二氢氧基- 6- [ 4(甲氧基甲氧基)phe~~~- 1,4-苯醌,同样由相应的二氯化合物制备,得到橙色针状物(来自二恶烷),熔点120'(Found: C, 60.8;H,5.0。C2,需要C,61.0;H,54%);大众 1630、1619、1600 和 1510 cm-1。将2,5-二羟基-3,6-双(甲氧基甲氧基)苯基-1,kbenzo-醌(35mg),乙酸(1.5ml)和硫酸(1滴:2N)的混合物煮沸1分钟。该溶液沉积为结晶棕色固体。吡啶重结晶得到2,B-双(3,4-二羟基苯基苯Z)-3,6-二羟基-1,4-苯并醌(杂色)(1 9 me;熔> 320' (发现: C, 60.7;H,3.55.C18H1208 需要 C,60.7;H,3.4%);v,, 3490, 1640sh,1629, 1620, 1605, 和 1514 cm-l;A,mx。216sh、270 和 282nrn(log E 4.31、4.16 和 4.21);A,,(10%乙醇)285和354shnm(log e 3.85和2-90);阿姆克斯。(10% 乙醇 + 2 滴 ~N-NH,OH) 250sh、331 和 660 nm(log E 3.87、3.94 和 3-83);Amma (0-1N-NaOH) 250sh、332 和 384 nm(log E:4.42、4.43 和 4.32);M/E 356 (looyo)、328 (751、255 {20)、177(20)、161 (49)、150 (80)、140 (49)、123 (64)、122 (44) 和 121 (72)。类似地,水解3-[3,4-双(甲氧基乙氧基)-苯基]-2,5-二羟基-6-~4-(甲氧基苯二氧基)苯基]-1,4-苯醌(100mg)得到亮科梅隆(36mg)作为橙板(来自二恶烷),m.p.>320“(发现:C,63.3;H , 3.4.计算值 for C18H,,0,: C, 63.55;H, 3.55%) ;v,.3400、1637sh、1625、1602 和 1510 cm-1;一个。271、282 和 386 nm(log EJ.C.S. Perkin I4.42、4-41 和 3.29);A,,, ( lOyo 乙醇) 281 和 345sh nm(log E '4.19 和 3.26);I.-.(10%乙醇+2滴2~-NH40H)295和664nm(log E 4.14和4.79);LX (0.1s-NaOH) 260、326、382 和 676 nm(log E 4-06、4.07、3-82 和 3.33);M/E 340 (looyo)、312 (47)、161 (43)、160 (40)、149 (19)、145 (22)、134 (43)、133 (26)、123 (47)、122 (22)、121 (39) 和 105 (41)。将五醋酸亚琉酮和六乙酸杂色醌-明美隆(50mg)、乙酸酐(0.4ml)和硫酸(1滴)的混合物在水浴上加热16分钟,冷却,倒入水中。产物(42mg)由乙酸结晶,得到柠檬黄色的五乙酸白粉酮针状物,熔点174-182“(分解)(lit.,4196-200“; lit.,3 226-227”)(找到:C,61。3;H, 4.3.计算值 for C.&2&: C, 61.1;H, 4-00/,);wmK 1773、1671、1613 和 1499 cm-l。同样,杂色蛋白以黄针状(来自乙酸酐)的形式给予杂色六乙酸杂色素,熔点184-180“(decornp.)(发现:C,58.8;主场,4-0。C,H2,01,需要C,59.2;H,3.9%);VMX. 1780、1680、1620、1610 和 1503 cm-l。将七乙酸亮卡龙和八乙酸杂色加丁-明卡梅隆(25mg)、乙酸酐(3ml)、无水醋酸钠(10mg)和锌粉(50mg)的混合物回流加热10分钟。将混合物冷却、过滤并倒入水中。从乙醇中结晶固体得到七乙酸亮卡梅龙针(19 ing),熔点218“(软化后 t 205”)(lit.,3204-205“)(发现:C,60.1;H,4.3。计算值 C,2H2801a:C , 60.4;H,4.4%);urn=。1775 厘米长。同样,杂色加丁给予杂色八乙酸酯针(来自乙酸),m.p. 242-244“(发现:C,58.6;H,4.25。C,,H,,O1,需要C,58.8;H,4.3%);v “ ~ , ~ .1775 cm-l.我们感谢 S.R.C. 提供的研究资助(给 M. G.)。[4/1886 收稿日期: 1974年9月16日




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