首页> 外文期刊>Palaontologische Zeitschrift >Sea scorpions (Chelicerata, Eurypterida) from the Lower Devonian (Siegenian) of the Lahrbach Valley/Westerwald area (SW Germany, Rhineland-Palatinate)

Sea scorpions (Chelicerata, Eurypterida) from the Lower Devonian (Siegenian) of the Lahrbach Valley/Westerwald area (SW Germany, Rhineland-Palatinate)


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A Lower Devonian (Siegenian) eurypterid association from a particular mudstone layer in the Lahrbach Valley near Burdenbach/Westerwald is described. It is dominated by a species of the adelophthalmoid Parahughmilleria. Based on the paddle morphology Eurypterus statzi Stormer, 1936 from the Siegenian of the Wahnbachtal is transferred here to Parahughmilleria as P. statzi n. comb. Despite being slightly older, the proportions of paddle segments in the Burdenbach specimens more closely match those of P. hefteri from the Emsian of Alken. Therefore, they are tentatively assigned to this taxon but left in open nomenclature as P. cf. hefteri. Additional eurypterid remains probably represent adeloph-thalmoids as well, but are clearly distinguishable from Parahughmilleria. One specimen is comparatively well-preserved and deserves to be described and formally named here as Wiedopterus noctua n. gen. n. sp. In addition, rare remains of pterygotid eurypterids have been recorded.
机译:描述了来自Burdenbach/Westerwald附近Lahrbach山谷特定泥岩层的下泥盆世(Siegenian)eurypterid组合。它以一种腺眼样Parahughmilleria为主。根据桨叶形态,Eurypterus statzi Stormer,1936 年从 Wahnbachtal 的 Siegenian 被转移到这里作为 P. statzi n. comb 转移到 Parahughmilleria。尽管年龄稍大,但 Burdenbach 标本中桨叶段的比例更接近 Alken Emsian 的 P. hefteri。因此,它们被暂时归入该分类单元,但保留在开放命名法中,称为 P. cf. hefteri。其他的eurypterid遗骸可能也代表adeloph-thalmoids,但与Parahughmilleria明显不同。一个标本保存得比较完好,值得在这里描述和正式命名为Wiedopterus noctua n. gen. n. sp。此外,还记录了罕见的翼翅目 eurypterids 遗骸。




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