首页> 外文期刊>ANS. Advances in nursing science >A semantic differential for external comparison of conceptual nursing models

A semantic differential for external comparison of conceptual nursing models

机译:A semantic differential for external comparison of conceptual nursing models



A semantic differential using conceptual nursing models as concepts to be rated and scales chosen from the theory literature was used by 78 master's degree students to evaluate the King, Orem, Rogers, Roy, and Wiedenbach models. The tool appeared capable of detecting reliable, plausible differences among models as shown by inspection of models' mean ratings on individual scales and by factor analysis. Six factors (sophistication-dynamism, clarity-usefulness, focus, utility, scope, and scientific rigor) accounted for from 49percnt; to 56percnt; of the total variance of the models. All scales loaded on some factor for at least one model. Tool development is continuing.




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