
Conference diary




CONFERENCE DIARY * 11th IUPAC International Conference on June 30-July 4,1996 Dr H Hiemstra Organic Synthesis Laboratory of Organic Chemistry, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands Amsterdam, Nieuwe Achtergracht 129,101 8WS Amsterdam, The Netherlands Tel + 3 1 20 525 5941. Fax + 3 1 20 525 5670 E-mail henkh@org.chem.uva.nl RACI 15th National Organic Conference June 30-July 5, 1996 Professor R Warrener Yeppoon, Australia ISNOC, C/- Chemistry Department, Central Queensland University, Rockhampton Qld 4702, Australia Tel+61(0)79309919.Fax +61(0)79309917 E-mail ISNOC @cqu. edu.au 14th International Conference on Radical Ions July 1-5, 1996 Ms Mari Lofkvist Uppsala, Sweden Secretary Radical Ions 14, Department of Physics, IFM, Linkoping University, S-58 1 83 Linkoping, Sweden Recent Advances in the Chemistry of July 7-10,1996 RSC t Anti-infective Agents Cambridge, UK XVIIth International Conference, July 7-1 2, 1996 XVIIth ICOMC Secretariat Organometallic Chemistry Faculty of Science and Technology, Griffith Brisbane, A ustralia University Brisbane Qld 41 11, Australia E-mail ICOMC (i sct.gu.edu. au Carbon '96 July 7-1 2, 1996 RSC 7 Newcastle upon Tyne, UK 4th World Congress of Theoretically Oriented July 7- 12, 1996 Professor Amiram Goldblum Chemists- WATOC '96 Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, School of Jerusalem, Israel Pharmacy, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel 91 120 Fax + 972 2 4 10740 E-mail amiram@vms. huji.ac.il 17th International Symposium on the Organic July 7-1 2, 1996 Dr Norihiro Tokitoh Chemistry of Sulfur (ISOCS) Executive Secretary, ISOCS-17, Department of Tsukuba, Japan Chemistry, Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo, 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 1 13, Japan Tel/Fax + 8I 3 5800 6899 E-mail chisocs@chem.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp 6th International Meeting: Reaction July 8-12, 1996 RSC t Mechanisms Canterbury, UK 6th Belgian Organic Synthesis Symposium July 8-1 2, 1996 Professor M Vandewalle Gent, Belgium University of Gent, Belgium Fax + 32 9 264 49 98 International Symposium on Sweeteners July 14-20, 1996 Sweeteners Jerusa lem, Isr a e 1 PO Box 50006, Tel-Aviv 61 500, Israel Tel + 972 3 5 1400 14.Fax + 972 3 5 175674/5 140077 E-mail l00274.2665@CompuServe.COM * Conference organisers are invited to provide details of meetings concerning organic, bioorganic or physical organic chemistry to: Dr R M Owen, Journals and Reviews Department, The Royal Society of Chemistry, Thomas Graham House, Science Park, Cambridge, UK CB4 4WF. Fax f44 (0) 1223 420247. E-mail perkin@rsc.org. t Dr J F Gibson, The Royal Society of Chemistry, Burlington House, Piccadilly, London, UK W1V OBN. Fax +44 (0) 171 734 1227. E-mail conferences@rsc.org. ix RSC 5th International Symposium: Progress in Natural Product Chemistry Nottingham, UK International Carbohydrate Symposium Milan, Italy 2nd Euroconference on Carbohydrate Mimics- ECCM2 Lago di Gurda, Italy XVIth IUPAC Symposium on Photochemistry Helsinki.Finland 2nd Combinatorial Synthesis Symposium Exeter, UK 36th International Symposium on Macromolecules Seoul, Korea 3rd European Conference on Bio-inorganic Chemistry (EUROBTC 3) Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands 31st International Conference on Coordination Chemistry Vuncouver, Cunada 13th IUPAC International Conference on Physical Organic Chemistry Seoul, Republic of Korea 14th TUPAC Conference on Chemical Thermodynamics (TCCT-96) Osaka, Japan Supramolecular Chemistry: Molecular Recognition and Drug-Receptor Interactions Salaniunca, Spain July 15-1 8, 1996 RSC July 15-21,1996 Professor B Casu G Ronsoni Tnstitute for Chemical and Biochemical Research, Via G Colombo 81,20 133 Milan, Italy Fax +39 270633007 July 17-1 9, 1996 Dr Yves Chapleur ECCM2, Universitk Henri Poincare-Nancy 1, BP 239, F-54506 Vandoeuvre, France Fax +3383912479 E-mail ychapleu(4meseb.u-nancy .fr July 21-26, 1996 Professor Helge Lemmety inen Tampere University of Technology, PO Box 589, 33101 Tampere, Finland Tel+358313162565.Fax +358313162108 July 22-25, 1996 Anne Chammings C.E.T., University of Exeter, Cotley, Streatham Rise, Exeter, Devon EX44PE, UK Tel +44(0)1392411906.Fax +44(0)1392436082 E-mail A.Chammings (a)exeter.ac.uk August 4-9, 1996 Dr Kwang Ung Kim Secretariat of IUPACMACRO SEOUL 96, Division of Polymers, Korea Institute of Science and Technology, PO Box 13 I, Cheongryang, Seoul 130-650, Korea Tel +82(2) 957 6104.Fax +82 (2) 957 6105 E-mail iupac@ kistmail.kist .re. kr August 4-10, 1996 Professor Cees Veeger Department of Biochemistry, Wageningen Agricultural University, Dreyenlaan 3, NL-6703 HA Wageningen, The Netherlands Tel +31317482868.Fax $31 317484801 August 18-23, 1996 31st ICCC Secretariat UBC Conference Centre, 5961 Student Union Boulevard, Vancouver, BC, Canada V6T 2C9 Tel + 1 604 822 1050. Fax + 1 604 822 1069 E-mail registration@brock. housing.ubc.ca August 25-29, 1996 Professor J Suh Department of Chemistry, Seoul National University, Seoul 15 1-742, Republic of Korea Tel +82 2 8805456. Fax +82 2 8891 568 E-mail jhsuh(ujcd4680.snu.a~. kr August 25-30, 1996 Professor Michio Sorai Executive Secretary of TCCT-96, Microcalorimetry Research Center, Faculty of Science, Osaka University, Toyonaka, Osaka 560, Japan Tel +81 6 850 5523.Fax +81 6 850 5526/5288 E-mail icct96(~chem.sci.osaka-u.ac.jp August 29-September 3, Dr Josip Hendekovic 1996 European Science Foundation, 1 quai Lezay- MarnCsia, 67080 Strasbourg Cedex, France Tel+3388767135.Fax +3388366987 E-mail euresco@esf.org WWW http://www.esf.org/euresco X NSW Southern Highlands Conference on September 1-3,1996 Heterocyclic Chemistry Bowral, NSW,Australia 8th FECHEM Conference on Heterocycles in September 1-4, 1996 Bi o-organic Chemistry Villa Olrna (Corno),Italy 12th Symposium on Chemistry of Heterocyclic September 1-4, 1996 Compounds 6th Blue Danube Symposium on Heterocyclic Chemistry Brno, Czech Republic 1 1 th European Symposium on Quantitative September 1-6, 1996 Structure -Activity Relationships: Computer-assisted Lead Finding and Optimization Lausanne.Switzerland XTth International Symposium on Organosilicon September 1-6, 1996 Chemistry Montpellier, France 5th International Conference on Chemical September 1-6, 1996 Synthesisof Antibiotics and Related Microbial Products Debrecen, Hungary RSC Bioorganic Group and Austrian Chemical September 2-6,1996 Society: B,, Meeting Innsbruck, Austria RSC 3rd International Symposium: Transition September 46, 1996 Metals in Organic Synthesis London, UK RSC Perkin Division and Dalton Division: September 46, I996 Transition Metals in Organic Chemistry London, UK VII Brazilian Meeting on Organic Synthesis September 8-1 2, 1996 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 2nd International Symposium on Photochromism September 8-1 2, I996 (ISOP 96) Clearwater Beach, FL, USA xi Professor David St C Black School of Chemistry, University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW 2052, Australia Tel +6123854712.Fax +6126622835 E-mail D.Black @unsw.edu.au Professor Bruno Danieli Dipartimento oli Chimica Organica e Industriale, Universita di Milano, Via Golgi 19,I-20133 Milano, Italy Tel +39 2 2367606. Fax +39 2 2364369 E-mail DANTELT(jICTL64.CILEA.IT Professor Milan Potacek Department of Organic Chemistry, Masaryk University, Kotlarska 2, CZ-61137, Brno, Czech Republic Tel +42 5 41 129306. Fax +42 541 21 1214 E-mail potacek(4chemi.muni.cz hetero@chemi.muni.cz WWW http://www.sci.muni.cz/hetero.html Dr Han van de Waterbeemd c/o F Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd, Dept PRPC 65/3 14, CH-4002 Basle, Switzerland Tel+41616888421. Fax +4161688 1075 E-mail johannes.van -de -waterbeemd@roche.com ProfessorR J P Corriu Laboratoire des Precurseurs Organometalliques de Materiaux, UMR CNRS 44, Universite de Montpellier TI, Place E Bataillon, CC 007, F34095 Montpellier Cedex 5, France Fax +33 67 14 38 88 Professor Ferenc Sztaricskai Chaiman of the 5th ICSA, The Congress Center, L.Kossuth University, H-40 10Debrecen, PO Box 68, Hungary Fax +36 52 3 10936 E-mail antibiotics@, tigris.klte.hu RSC 7 RSC t RSC t Professor Joaquim Fernando Mendes da Silva Faculty of Pharmacy, Room 19, B1 B,,, CCS, Ilha do Fundgo, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil, CEP 21 944-91 0 Tel +550215909522,R219.Fax +550212602299 E-mail bmos@vml .nce.ufrj.br (password: angelo) Dr John C Crano PPG Industries Inc, 440 College Park Drive, Monroeville, PA 15 146, USA E-mail crano@ppg.com XIVth International Symposium on Medicinal Chemistry Maastricht, The Netherlands 4th International Symposium on Heterogeneous Catalysis and Fine Chemicals Basel, Switzerland RSC 24th Symposium of the European Peptide Society Edinburgh, UK Advances in the Chemistry of Crop Protection Cambridge, UK RSC Autumn Meeting Uxbridge, UK RSC Perkin Division and Protein and Peptide Science Group: European Peptide Meeting Edinburgh, UK Recent developments in organic chemistry Exeter, UK RSC Bioorganic Group: Bioorganic Conference Cries UK 12th International Roundtable-Nucleosides, Nucleotides and their Biological Applications La Jolla, CA, USA 20th IUPAC Symposium on the Chemistry of Natural Products Chicago, IL, USA RSC Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Group: 3rd International Medicinal Chemistry Symposium Bath, UK XVIIth European Colloquium on Heterocyclic Chemistry Regensburg, Germany Joint RSC Fine Chemicals and Medicinals GroupSCI Cardiovascular Meeting Edinburgh, UK Synthetic Pathways-The Seventh Symposium on the Latest Trends in Organic Chemistry Gainesville, FL, USA September 8-1 2, 1996 September 8-1 2, 1996 September 8-1 3, 1996 September 9-1 1, 1996 September 9-1 2,1996 September 9-1 2, 1996 September 9-1 3, 1996 September 12-1 5, 1996 September 15-1 9, 1996 September 15-20,1996 September 22-24, 1996 October 69, 1996 October 20-22, 1996 October 23-27, 1996 xii H Timmerman Leiden/Amsterdam Centre for Drug Research (LACDR), Department of Pharmacochemistry, Vrije University, De Boelelaan 1083, NL-1081 HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands Tel +31 (0) 20 44 47580.Fax +3 1 (0) 20 44 47610 E-mail bij loo @hem. vu. nl 4th International Symposium on HCFC’96 c/oAKM Congress Service, PO Box, CH-4005 Basel, Switzerland Tel+416169151 11.Fax +41616918189 RSC t Conference Secretariat SCI, 14/15 Belgrave Square, London, UK SW1X 8PS Tel+44(0)1712353681.Fax +44(0)1718231698 RSC t RSC t Continuing Education and Training University of Exeter, Cotley, Streatham Rise, Exeter, Devon EX4 4PE, UK Tel+44(0)1392411906.Fax +44(0)1392436082 E-mail cet-uni t @exeter .ac.uk RSC 7 P Dan Cook Isis Pharmaceuticals, 2292 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008 USA Tel + 1619603 3877. Fax + 16199290036 E-mail l2irt@isisph.com IUPAC Symposium Headquarters 5999 Butterfield Road, Hillside, IL 601 62, USA http://www. a2z.com/iupac20/index. html Mrs Elaine Wellingham Tel/Fax +44(0)1275 853311 ProfessorDr G Mark1 Institut fur Organische Chemie, Universitat Regensburg, D-93040 Regensburg, Germany Tel +49 94 1 943 436 1. Fax +49 94 1 943 4505 RSCt Dr Tomas Hudlicky Department of Chemistry, University of Florida, PO Box 117200, Gainesville, FL 32611-7200, USA Tel + 1 352 392 9844.Fax + 1 352 846 1203 E-mail hudlicky @chem.ufl.edu 24th Ontario-Quebec Mini-Symposium on Physical Organic Chemistry Kingston, Canada 30th Annual Meeting on Modern Aspects of Stereochemistry Sheffield, UK RSC Heterocyclic Group: 13th Lakeland Heterocyclic Symposium Grasmere, UK 7th Asian Chemical Congress (7ACC’97) Hiroshima, Japan 4th International Symposium on Bioorganic Chemistry Biarritz, France 38th Microsymposium on Macromolecules, Recycling of Polymers Prague, Czech Republic RSC Perkin Division: 15th International Symposium Synthesis in Organic Chemistry Oxford, UK RSC Nucleic Acid and Molecular Biology Group: July 29-3 1, 1997 Recognition and Manipulation of DNA Structure by Proteins Dundee, UK 36th IUPAC Congress August 18-22, 1997 Geneva, Switzerland RSC Nucleic Acid and Molecular Biology Group: August 3 1-November 8-1 0,1996 December 17, 1996 May 8-1 2, 1997 May 16-20, 1997 June 1-6, 1997 July 1417,1997 July 22-24, 1997 Dr Robert Lemieux Department of Chemistry, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada K7L 3N6 Tel + 1 61 3 545 2649.Fax + I 61 3 545 6669 WWW http://www.chem.queensu.ca Professor C J M Stirling FRS Department of Chemistry, University of Sheffield, Sheffield,UK S3 7HF Tel +44 I14 282 4462. Fax +44 1 14 273 8673 E-mail K.Makinson@Sheffield.ac.uk RSC t Mr A Nakanishi Head, Administration Office, 7th Asian Chemical Congress, The Chemical Society of Japan, 1-5, Kanda-Surugadai, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101,Japan Tel+81332926161.Fax +81332926318 E-mail 7acc97 @chemistry .or.jp Professor A Marquet Universite Paris, URA CNRS 493, Laboratoire de Chimie Organique Biologique, Tour 44/45-4 P1 Jussieu, 75252 Paris Cedex 05, France Dr B Valter Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, Academy of Sciencesof the Czech Republic, Heyrovskkho nam.2, 162 06 Prague, 6-Petriny, Czech Republic RSC t RSC t Professor J Weber Department of Physical Chemistry, University of Physical Chemistry, University of Geneva, 30 quai Ernest-Ansermet, 121 1 Geneva 4, Switzerland Tel+4122702611l.Fax +41227026518 E-mail we ber @sc2a.unige.ch RSC t FECHEM Instituteof Chemical Process Fundamentals, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Rozvojova 135,165 02 Prague 6, Czech Republic Tel( +44 2) 243 11498. Fax (+42 2) 342073 E-mail FECHEM@icpf.cas.cz RSC t 4th Cambridge Symposium on Oligonucleotide Chemistry and Biology Cambridge, UK XIIth FECHEM Conference on Organometallic Chemistry Prague, Czech Republic RSC Autumn Meeting Aberdeen, UK September 3, 1997 August 3 1- September 5, 1997 September 1997 ... Xlll 9th International Symposium on Chiral October 27-30, 1997 Discrimination (ISCD-97) Nagoya, Japan 9th IUPAC International Congress of August 2-7,1998 Pesticide Chemistry London, UK 9th International Symposium on Novel August 2-7, 1998 Aromatic Compounds (ISNA-9) Hong Kong 15th International Symposium on Medicinal September 6-1 1, 1998 Chemistry Edinburgh, UK RSC Perkin Division: European Federation of September 6-1 1 ,1998 Medicinal Chemistry Edinburgh, UK RSC Perkin Division: 16th International July 19-22, 1999 Symposium Synthesis in Organic Chemistry Cambridge, UK Diary of Major Meetings of the American Chemical Society 1 212th ACS National Meeting 21 3th ACS National Meeting 214th ACS National Meeting 215th ACS National Meeting 21 6th ACS National Meeting 217th ACS National Meeting 2 18th ACS National Meeting 219th ACS National Meeting 220th ACS National Meeting 22 1st ACS National Meeting 222nd ACS National Meeting August 25-29, 1996 April 13-17, 1997 September 7-1 1, 1997 March 29-April2, 1998 August 23-28, 1998 March 2 1-26, 1999 August 22-27, 1999 March 26-3 1,2000 August 20-25,2000 April 1-6,2001 August 19-24,2001 Professor Yoshio Okamoto Department of Applied Chemistry, School of Engineering, Nagoya University, Furo-cho, Chikusa- ku, Nagoya 464-0 1, Japan Fax +81527893188 RSC 7 Dr Henry N CWong Department of Chemistry, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, New Territories, Hong Kong Tel +852 2609 6344.Fax +852 2603 5057 E-mail hncwong@cuhk.edu. hk RSC t RSC 7 RSC Orlando, FL, USA San Francisco, CA, USA Las Vegas, NV, USA Dallas, TX, USA Boston, MA, USA Anaheim, CA, USA New Orleans, LA, USA Las Vegas, NV,USA Washington, DC, USA San Francisco, CA, USA Chicago, IL, USA $ American Chemical Society Meetings, 1155-16th St NW, Washington DC 20036-4899, USA. Tel + 1 202 872 4396. Fax + 1 202 872 6128. E-mail natlmtgs@acs.org. xiv




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