
Coulomb sum rule for He-4

机译:He-4 的库仑和规则

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We determine the Coulomb sum for He-4 using the world data on He-4(e,e') and compare the results to calculations based on realistic interactions and including two-body components in the nuclear charge operator. We find good agreement between theory and experiment when using free-nucleon form factors. The apparent reduction of the in-medium G(Ep) implied by IA-interpretation of the L/T-ratios measured in He-4(e,e'p) and He-4((e) over right arrow ,e'(p) over right arrow) is not confirmed. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. References: 38
机译:我们使用He-4(e,e')的世界数据确定了He-4的库仑和,并将结果与基于实际相互作用的计算结果进行了比较,并在核电荷算子中包括了双体分量。我们发现,当使用游离核子外形因子时,理论和实验之间有很好的一致性。IA 对 He-4(e,e'p) 和 He-4((e) 在右箭头上,e'(p) 在右箭头上,在右箭头上)中测量的 L/T 比的 IA 解释所隐含的介质内 G(Ep) 的明显降低没有得到证实。(C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V.保留所有权利。[参考文献: 38]




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