首页> 外文期刊>ANS. Advances in nursing science >Veiledcomma; voluminouscomma; and devaluedNarrative stories about lowhyphen;income women from Brazilcomma; Egyptcomma; and Colombia

Veiledcomma; voluminouscomma; and devaluedNarrative stories about lowhyphen;income women from Brazilcomma; Egyptcomma; and Colombia

机译:Veiledcomma; voluminouscomma; and devaluedNarrative stories about lowhyphen;income women from Brazilcomma; Egyptcomma; and Colombia



The first purpose of this article is to argue the significance of using international and culturally diverse exemplars in developing nursing knowledge. The second is to identify some urgent priorities in the developmnt of nursing knowledge, particularly as related to women's health. The lived experiences of three women from Brazil, Egypt, and Colombia who are in low-income, devalued, but important jobs are presented through their voices. These storied accounts highlight nursing's mission in dealing with the marginalized client as a human being whose context is historical and sociocultural. The implications for knowledge development as driven by international exemplars, diverse experiences, and narration of stories are discussed.




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